Mundane Randoms-a thread for anything mundane/random to outright bizarre...

Somebody got a right earful when they used your can Yv!
Ok ...... My take on this was 'Has beens'* and so I wanted a shot that included something old and decrepit - I already had two friends lined up for that role.:)

*I remember being told once that it was much better to be a 'has been' than a 'never was'.

But then I took an empty bean can on a walk and we met this really friendly and helpful farmer. He let us go off the public footpath into his grounds to look at (what appeared at first sight) to be an old gypsy caravan. It turned out to be something he had made and had been used - amongst others - by a Buddhist monk to go on a retreat in a nearby wood for three months. So that was my first shot.

He then offered to show us something that really was old and decrepit and took us to his farmyard where he showed us a dusty (but apparently still serviceable) 1933 Riley - and this had to be the one to include.

Two 'Has beeans'


NB - the farmer said he might visit the forum to see what I had put up and - if you are looking - send me a PM (Personal Message - see top right hand corner of screen) and I will send you the other pictures that I took and which I considered for inclusion before using the one above.

Also - probably more correctly the Riley should be a 'has been and will be again' because he may well be doing it up, to its former glory, as his sister's wedding car
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Hehe super Iain, I was hoping you'd pop in with something super cute :)
Thanks guys, though Iain, I think mine has been definitely overshadowed by your masterpiece, just love it! (y) I had enough trouble getting pipey to stand with the spoon, my brain simply implodes if I try to work out your fork/can balance.

T, I have absolutely no doubt he will be back :D

I am also liking Elines thinking with his has-beens, totally out of left field that one (y)
Ok ...... My take on this was 'Has beens'* and so I wanted a shot that included something old and decrepit - I already had two friends lined up for that role.:)

*I remember being told once that it was much better to be a 'has been' than a 'never was'.

But then I took an empty bean can on a walk and we met this really friendly and helpful farmer. He let us go off the public footpath into his grounds to look at (what appeared at first sight) to be an old gypsy caravan. It turned out to be something he had made and had been used - amongst others - by a Buddhist monk to go on a retreat in a nearby wood for three months. So that was my first shot.

He then offered to show us something that really was old and decrepit and took us to his farmyard where he showed us a dusty (but apparently still serviceable) 1933 Riley - and this had to be the one to include.

Two 'Has beeans'

NB - the farmer said he might visit the forum to see what I had put up and - if you are looking - send me a PM (Personal Message - see top right hand corner of screen) and I will send you the other pictures that I took and which I considered for inclusion before using the one above.

Also - probably more correctly the Riley should be a 'has been and will be again' because he may well be doing it up, to its former glory, as his sister's wedding car

This is cool and loving the title!.. Hehe it would be great if the farmer came too see too :)
Thanks for the comments on my efforts - I think the Blakester one is great - I just keep looking at it!

This is my submission for this week, I am not really happy with it but we have officially run out of beans in the house ....OMG!
Being a bit thick I can't help feeling that I am missing something - as I said above, 'I think the Blakester one is great - I just keep looking at it', but I can't work out why it is 'fast food'.

My lack of understanding does not detract in any way from my enjoyment of the picture - I just think that maybe I could enjoy it even more if I 'understood' it better.:)
Being a bit thick I can't help feeling that I am missing something - as I said above, 'I think the Blakester one is great - I just keep looking at it', but I can't work out why it is 'fast food'.

My lack of understanding does not detract in any way from my enjoyment of the picture - I just think that maybe I could enjoy it even more if I 'understood' it better.:)

You are not missing anything Chris, you're not being thick. It's a simple image that I called fast food as beans are quick to prepare, takeaway as the forks are carrying the tins.
Don't look too deeply into it, there's nothing beyond what you see.
Ok Thanks.

Looking too deeply into something isn't normally a problem I suffer from!:)

I still keep going back to it - for me it is a POTW.
Ok ...... My take on this was 'Has beens'* and so I wanted a shot that included something old and decrepit - I already had two friends lined up for that role.:)

*I remember being told once that it was much better to be a 'has been' than a 'never was'.

But then I took an empty bean can on a walk and we met this really friendly and helpful farmer. He let us go off the public footpath into his grounds to look at (what appeared at first sight) to be an old gypsy caravan. It turned out to be something he had made and had been used - amongst others - by a Buddhist monk to go on a retreat in a nearby wood for three months. So that was my first shot.

He then offered to show us something that really was old and decrepit and took us to his farmyard where he showed us a dusty (but apparently still serviceable) 1933 Riley - and this had to be the one to include.

Two 'Has beeans'

NB - the farmer said he might visit the forum to see what I had put up and - if you are looking - send me a PM (Personal Message - see top right hand corner of screen) and I will send you the other pictures that I took and which I considered for inclusion before using the one above.

Also - probably more correctly the Riley should be a 'has been and will be again' because he may well be doing it up, to its former glory, as his sister's wedding car

Cracking idea and cracking car.

Ripped off! Inspired by the coke/pepsi one on here recently, and the fact that everyone says own brand beans are the same as Heinz just in different packaging.

Ripped off by mattb1976, on Flickr
Ok seeing as i missed last weeks i really wanted to make sure i got this one....

wasn't quite what i had in mind originally, but the can is still in shot...(just):D

Untitled by Cg_girl, on Flickr

This is my submission for this week, I am not really happy with it but we have officially run out of beans in the house ....OMG!

nice one Hazel, i like the warhol look of this (y)
As usuall Iain, up to your usually standard. Great idea and well composed. The lighting is superb, as is the concept.


Thanks Andy, i like the thinking behind this thread/challenge.

will just have to wait and see if I can keep up with it along with my 52 ;)
Ok seeing as i missed last weeks i really wanted to make sure i got this one....

wasn't quite what i had in mind originally, but the can is still in shot...(just):D

Untitled by Cg_girl, on Flickr

Just ;)

Good work Trace (y)
I like the composition and whats not to like about forks ;)