Critique Muntjac buck

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Another frame of thta munty whom actually was stalking me...makes a change huh. A brill possibly one off experience,it's not every day a muntjac come to see what you are especially with no hide and no cover. Image made lying down as usual,half blind cause me glasses are steamed up and obviously I shouldn't have had the ext on,but who knew he's do this ,it was dead still,so I really though my chanes of getting close were zilch.

As framed ,no crop,1/200 f8 iso 25600 1dxii 400DOISii ext 2xiii

_S2I0783the stalker sm j by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for looking all thoughts crit etc welcome

take care

Very nice DoF isolation and lack of "clutter".................but oh that tight framing along the top of the 'frame'.
My framing up close is a skill for me to work on Laurence,ok I'll own it and say it's pants......lmao. not too bad considering I was aiming at an orange blob atached to a larger orange blob,glasses totally steamed up;),There was some silent muttering going on at the time,what a chance and what a 'mare. But yes good sir I concur,I have many many faults,but up close framing nailing it is a real weakness of mine up there near the top.

It's so frustrating mate,I do all the graft nail the stalk put myself in an amazing postition get chances like this above,and then let it all down with my framing. How many folks are going to share this with a no cover munty mate. They are really hard won chances this is an utter first for me. Muntjac eyes are so good.the are so difficult to stalk i've enevr had one approach like this,roe are so much more forgiving

I've always hated the idea of contact lenses,bro,but what with the steaming up issues and one's eye being not centered to the viewfinder as easily,as it would if one didn't have specs in the way,I might try them out. At 800mm these little things become bigger issues as ones framing needs utter precision.

cheers for the reply,spot on I'd say (y)

:agree: Could certainly do with a bit of space added at the top of the frame if you can do that, but that face.....................(y)

Sweetie isn't he Jan,:cool: I need to get this framing sorted but tis no easy thing !! At some stage i'll get my head around adding canvas you are as right as Laurence, Janny. But I need to get it right in camera,if you saw what this weakness really costs me you'ld understand why a haul myself over the coals on this one:D.


happy chrimbo both;)

Nicely done Stu mate and at dizzy ISO too, there's even decent detail. The framing is good, with the deer nicely near to the left hand third. I'm not too bothered with the spacing at the top, a bit more certainly wouldn't hurt but I don't think it's at a critical level. You could take the crop box and over crop it, not by much as just a squidge is all that is needed, then clone over the white bar that you will have along the top. Easy peasy.(y)

That gaze, right down the lens, what a cutey, cute as a button.:)

Even at 800mm, that must've been close.
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Hey guys cheers for all the likes and comments thank you, all

Dale 'erm yup close:whistle: folks don't really get 800mm it helps but really it doesn't matter how big the lens the good stuff is always when one is damn close,ok aminalscapes a given:p . I'm unsure here guys iso insanity it is !! ,I'm simply unsure as to what someone really good at processing could extract from this type of file,hopefully in time I'll learn . i'd lay a bet there is more here than I'm showing you.

Dale he's also stamping as well as staring that's where the look is coming from ,he can see every inch of me,but can't work out what I am ,it's as simple as that, Because hes focused on me I guess that translates to you the viewer,ha which ever way he is cute:LOL: He wondered off without being spooked just got bored.I've never had a muntjac do this bro,roe yeah lots of times,but not munty such a shame he was in deep shade anywhere else and I'd have made a killing:D !!

One properly lovely little encounter,thanks for the comments guys all of them !!!

@Stuart Philpott

Hi Stu

I applaud and respect yours and others fieldcraft as exhibitied in images such as this Muntjac picture.

The fogging of glasses I surmise in such situations infer that you are wrapped up across your face meaning that you are breathing over your own glasses . This reminds me back in my motorcycling days of my glasses fogging up inside my full face helmet.........there were no really effective commercial solutions back then!

Now there is an anti fogging mask available that fits with Velcro into the helmet, so I wonder if this can be utilised in the wrapped up hood that you were wearing. Or something similar to reduce the fogging when stalking???

PS there are many motorcyclists here at TP so wonder if they have any insights???
@Stuart Philpott

PS there are many motorcyclists here at TP so wonder if they have any insights???

You can get stuff to keep full face visors clear but I'm not sure it works with some of the coatings you get on glasses. You'd have to read up and find out. I used an open face and goggles, and though I did sometimes steam up it was only till I pulled away and got an air flow going. I'm not sure if stalkers use anything - don't think I've ever seen a photo of one wearing glasses - but might be worth a look in the appropriate kit suppliers.
The alternative is to try contacts and if they work for you just use them when required. I doubt if they're cheap. Sadly I can't use them, but I don't need glasses for photography (I love AF!).

I applaud and respect yours and others fieldcraft as exhibitied in images such as this Muntjac picture

Hey Laurence,I used to ride myself. Thank you so much for the thoughts and you too Janny,tis very much appreciated,I haven't read the links yet . I've tried a product unbelieveably called " cat crap" it's meant to be good,I do have to be careful with the coatings on my specs and this type of product. But conditions like this can prove my undoing

Laurence yes my face is covered,it's that covering that causes all the problems, steaming up wise. Cheers for the lovely words on FC. It's part mindset,part sneaky b*stard part knowing the quarry. The biggy though is that mindset:it's only a couple of hundred yards on me tummy I can do that". I feel but don't know if many folks will put them selves out that much, !! Obviously one has to be physically able,but that mindset is very important : it isn't a comfortable way of getting an image,but for me way more productive than sit and wait. I do sit and wait,but the craft is there as well,I sit and wait 'erm in a good place.:) evaluated by reading the land and all it's clues as well as the observation side I guess one is also reading the animal as well ,although it must be said I didn't have a clue that this little fella would do this.:oops: :$

Jan and Laurence,the eye/glasses problems are two fold iti isn't just that steaming up issue. Wildlife photography can be a few seconds of chance in a whole day,and then that chance might be something moving at full throttle. Mounting the camera to my eye needs to be incredibly accurate. When I had all the eye probs recently the specialist whom checked all was going, well recommended verifocal contacts he was also an image maker,I'm not terribly worried about cost Jan,I just want to be able to be the best Ii can be tis all I guess if I can stand crawling about on my cotswold fields I might be able to cope with contacts,but I'm a bit soft about my eyes:D. what a wimp huh:LOL:

Guys both of you thank you for this it''''s madness at the mo time wise due to work, but I'll come back shortly and dig through your recomendations,.

Cheers for the kindness both
