My 1st Wedding, C & C please

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This was my Brothers' wedding last month in Inverness, here's a few shots of their happy day.
Wedding shot with D3 & Nikon 17-55/2.8
Reception with D3 & Sigma 70-200/2.8
C&C very welcome....I'm prepared!






You need to pose large brides so they are not full on.
And angle the arms so there is a gap between arm and body. Shoot from a little higher.

#6 is lovely BTW
Some good stuff there and my only observation is that the bride is posed pretty head on which is sometimes not the most flattering since it is photographing someone at their widest. (No matter what their size a 3/4 stance will flatter more)
I think you've done a great job here, even more so for a first attempt.

Great stuff (y)
Gotcha then Gary, spot on then! :)

Hope all goes well with the birth and you are soon an uncle :)
Im no expert, but I would be happy with them!
And since you want to know what I think of them here goes:

1. The guy in the kilt takes up 50% of the photo, I think if he was either a) out of the shot or possibly further on the right hand side and didnt take too much space in the photo, It would have bee a nice shot..

2. I would have liked to have seen the bride and groom in this shot, or more of them if it wasnt possible to fit them in completely.

3. Is the one I like most, but a steeper angle would've made it for me.

4. Seems a little imbalanced as they're mostly positioned on the left handside of the frame. If they were centred would be lovely.

5. Theres that one leaf that needs to be cloned out at the top... :D

6. The little girls head seems to have hit the frame.

I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but this is my views and opinion. I cant speak for everyone else, and am not a professional.

I cant stress enough, that if these were my photo's I would be very happy with them none the less..

Congratulations to your brother and your very first wedding gig.
2. Is THE classic ring exchange shot Sammy as is spot on.

5. Could use a slight crop (saves the cloning work ;))

6. I would not worry too much about the framing but yes either include it all or crop the top of the head.
Sorry but I would be very unhappy withn the shot of the group and couple the full face on pose does nothing for them and the group is unbalanced,why just one person kneeling,in addition you have chosen a distracting background for the group
Some lovely shots, especially for a first effort. As already mentioned, a few could be tweaked, but nothing to serious and I am glad I am not going mad, I thought she was pregnant before I scrolled down, and if you didn't, perhaps have used that to get a few nice side on shots, use the baby as a 'link' between bride and groom. However, great job if these are anythng to go the bug yet? :naughty:
Some great comments coming which I am most thankful for, don't be shy with them.

1: A candid I left like that to portray Savannah (my Niece) being caught by the kilted man.

2: This is cropped to show the ring exchange, nothing else.

3: The classic book signing, I tried to show the wedding hands with rings slightly OOF from the pen. (I took a pen with me in case the Registrars was a cheapo, I did ask ;) ).

4: The bridesmaid on the left was the smallest of the group, so by placing the best man kneeling, I attempted to "stagger" the group slightly.

5: I totally agree with the leaf, I should have noticed that :(

6: Another of my niece, she's just so photogenic :D

Here's another couple I couldn't put up due to 6 image limit:


