

I like this shot (y) Like the cow standing in the background looking to the right :) Spot on again ;)

hehe thanks :)

:LOL: Nice shot, what lens did you use mate?

Sigma 10-20 - had tried some shots witht he 17-40 but just wasnt wide enough to shoot blind, was hard to keep him away from the lens too as he was very interested in it, especially when it focued and the shutter fired.

do you have your fotolia link so i can have a ganders please,

great shots btw

sure, you will see whay "upload more" is on my list though :p - - had 5 sales so far...the only of the wheat shot!
My 365 - Day 157

My mum is getting a little obsessed with posters recently. For a small village a lot goes on here and most of them have posters. In an attempt to get more people to notice them and to brighten up one of the windows in the village post office my mum has taken on the roll of window dresser, and I have some how got the job of poster maker, its a good job I quite like it, and its a good use of random photos I have lying around. Plus I got to make this 365 photo out of them :p
154 = That is one cool interior shot Tom ... (y)

155 = What ... :cautious: ... only one page ... :naughty:

156 = Loving the coo l shot ... really lovely image ... (y)

157 = That's a great collection of work JL ... really impressive stuff ... ;)

Now then ... :thinking: ... don't miss me too much but I am off on hols for the next two weeks tomorrow morning and probably won't be able to catch up too often under threat of someone close dumping my Air into the nearest Loch if I do ... :eek:

Keep up the good work though cos I will be checking when I get back if not before ... :naughty:

Thanx for the entertainment to date m8 ... :D

Tom, isn't the Sigma 10-20 soft?

Tony (y)

compared to my 17-40 and 70-200 L stuff yes very soft, but for general use it is barable. That cow shot hasnt had to have too much sharpening applied. Still a god damn awsome lens :)
154 = That is one cool interior shot Tom ... (y)

155 = What ... :cautious: ... only one page ... :naughty:

156 = Loving the coo l shot ... really lovely image ... (y)

157 = That's a great collection of work JL ... really impressive stuff ... ;)

Now then ... :thinking: ... don't miss me too much but I am off on hols for the next two weeks tomorrow morning and probably won't be able to catch up too often under threat of someone close dumping my Air into the nearest Loch if I do ... :eek:

Keep up the good work though cos I will be checking when I get back if not before ... :naughty:

Thanx for the entertainment to date m8 ...

as always thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :) hope you have a good holiday (and take lots of photos!). Will try and get a nice diverse 14 shots for you to look at :p
compared to my 17-40 and 70-200 L stuff yes very soft, but for general use it is barable. That cow shot hasnt had to have too much sharpening applied. Still a god damn awsome lens :)

Ahh, worth knowing (y) Cheers

Thats a mighty fine collection of posters there dude. Get em in your portfolio ;)
Not sure I would call them "mighty fine" Marcel :p but they do the job :)

My 365 - Day 158

Took a trip to Gargrave (near Skipton) today as it is a very pretty village. The sky, however, was against me so all the shots I had planned of the nice cottages and church etc were pretty pointless. So instead I went to the canal that runs through the back of the village. There were two barges that were coming through a lock just as I arrived and I ended up following them down the canal. Got a big stack of photos, but not the sort I was expecting....oh and I found some more friendly cows :)
Cheers Whittie :) I dont think she was enjoying it too much to be honest.

My 365 - Day 159

Nothing special this, just noticed the sun setting between these two trees from my bedroom window. 70-200 was attached to my 40D so took a few shots, got to live view for shots like this! leaning out of a window being able to see what was going on with my head a good 2 foot away from the camera!
My 365 - Day 160

This is a very similar shot to one I used in my 365 about a week ago. That was at sunset, this was pretty much midday sun. I doesnt look quite as good without the sunset (in my opinion) but I think think it is quite a pretty station, am yet to see a passenger or a train there though!
Hi Tom :wave:

I really like this shot, Gives a feeling of piece of quite for some reason. Can't quite think why but it does :)
Lovely picture Jimmy!

On a slightly different subject I've sent you two pm's. Have you got them re the Fuji?
Thanks for the comments all :) Sorry KOG completely slipped my mind, will PM you shortly.

My 365 - Day 161

Was a lovely day weather wise, so took a trip into the southern part of the Yorkshire Dales. This is the centre of a village called Burnsall (if you hadn't guessed already). Granted you cant see any of the village, just the sign and the river and river bank, got a heck a lot of photos from today to processes (along with loads of will get done one day) - oh and yeah completely forgot to put why I chose this shot. It pretty much lists the places I visited today, which I though was kinda cool.
Sorry KOG :( still not replied. Will do it tomorrow I promise :(

My 365 - Day 162

Too tired to write much rubbish here, but took a trip upto this pretty cool erm...scuplture? this evening, the sunset wasnt as good as we hoped it would be, but got some good shots when it went dark, much messing about took place...but will have to wait for me to get through back log of processing before I get on them on here :(
158 = A very nice barge shot - not just an ordinary one.

159 = A sunset ... what's that ... :cautious:

160 = You are spot on Tom ... it is a very pretty station so who needs trains and people !

161 = I really like this too - reminds me of what summer sunshine is all about ... :LOL:

162 = Now that's MY kind of shot ... :love: ... absolutely loving it and certainly one of your most "diverse photos" yet ... :cautious: ... (y)

Thanks for your kind wishes m8.

You might have guessed already but it's raining here - as it has been since Saturday when we arrived !?! Still, as I said in Marcel's 365 - it's sometimes nice to have a bit of enforced rest ... just an awful long way to drive to get it ... :D

My 365 - Day 163

Good old shot of the chimney today. Realised I dont have a propper summery shot of it. There is currently some work going on at the top of it, dont know what, but there is a ladder all the way up the right hand side and some sort of platform at the top.
Sod putting that scuffholding up :LOL:

Nice shoot, have i seen it before? :LOL:
My 365 - Day 160

This is a very similar shot to one I used in my 365 about a week ago. That was at sunset, this was pretty much midday sun. I doesnt look quite as good without the sunset (in my opinion) but I think think it is quite a pretty station, am yet to see a passenger or a train there though!

This is awsome.
Cheers Gary :)

My 365 - Day 164

Took a trip to another "Panoptican" today. This part of the same project as The Halo I photographed a few nights ago. This is called the Atom and to be honest doesnt impress me as much as the Halo. But it is still quite interesting. I need to go back when there is some nice weather, or maybe a good sunset. I purposfully only took my 17-40 so I would make sure I didnt get too many shots so would have go back. 10-20 should be fun inside there.
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Hey I like this latest one, however, would like it without the sign and a bit closer - make it more of a focal point!!! :)

Awsome bit of art!
Yeah me too Gary :) but really tried not to take too many shots, just wanted something to sum the place up really. Really want to go back when the weather is nice, and I know if I had spent a few hours there today I wouldnt be so bothered about going back :(
Yeah me too Gary :) but really tried not to take too many shots, just wanted something to sum the place up really. Really want to go back when the weather is nice, and I know if I had spent a few hours there today I wouldnt be so bothered about going back :(

Cool look forward to seeing more, I wish it were close! :)
My 365 - Day 165

I went down to the fun fair in Skipton this evening with the idea of getting a sunset over the fun fair, as there is hill to one side. The sun however decided to set in a really boring way so that shot didnt come off! This shot however came out ok, I rested the camera on the wobbly rail around the ride and fired off a few shots. Tonemapped this a bit to bring back the detail in the clouds.
Nice one yet again JL (y)

I presume that the lights are from the car things that spin out right?

This is link the stuff i want to take but we have no fun fairs in our village :)
Thanks guys :) - I am starting to think it looks a little dark.

My 365 - Day 166

The rain cleared just in time for the annual procession through Skipton today. The procession heads to Aireville Park for the start of the Gala. The procession seemed to be made mainly of local village Gala Queens and tractors! an interesting mix.
My 365 - Day 167

Another Panopticon, this one is in Burnley. This was really quite interesting but hard to photograph. You do get a really wide view from this vantage point and the angle was good for the sunset. This shot isnt processed very well. I am tired and Photomatix is being a tit! It has a halo, but I couldnt get it to stand out at all without the halo :(
Actually, I think the haloing really suits it, especially with the lighter area above the 'tree'. It looks like its slightly backlit, and lit from above.

Very well processed IMO (y)
That looks like something from War of the Worlds! In fact I thought was before I'd scrolled down all the way. Cracking shot.

The others are decent too! :D
Thanks everyone :)

My 365 - Day 168

(Another shot that the Flickr uploader didnt want anything to do with). The chimney in many of my 365 shots was having some work done on it today, they put the ladder up the side about a week ago, but have been up there most of the day working on it. Cant quite work out what, but guessing something to the brick work. I am getting a bit annoyed with Photomatix now, I am getting either really dull coloured photos or crazy halos! This shot needed some tonemapping though because it was quite a bright sky and the chinmey was silhouette. Think I might need to reinstall a few things tomorrow and see if I can get them working propperly :(
Nice Photo Tom :)

It looks like they are painting it to me :thinking:

Tell them to get a hurry on :D
A regulation stack, HDR style :D

Nice :LOL:

I like the extra detail of the guys working, are they cleaning it?
163 = Cool ... :D ... not sure about the living paraphernalia like washing and bins and cars but heyho you gotta go with what you got ... :cautious:

164 = Looks like something out of the Doctor ... :thinking:

165 = Nice one loving the colours and you must have gotten quite close to them too ...

166 = Is he doing his Cap'n Hook impression ... :cautious: ... just missing a parrot or something ...

167 = Wowsa ... amazing sunset shot Tom ... :clap: ... looks like one of the robot killing machines or something out of Terminator (2 ?)

168 = Now that is a seriously exceptional image of our ChimChiminee ... :D ... I'd love to give that a go ...

Catched up good innit ... ;)

Love 167. In some strange way the halo adds to the shot. The colours are fantastic.
It's getting to places like these, that should force me into learning to drive 23 years after I should have started.