My best portrait yet

It's very effective, Sam, and shows one light is all you need to create a mood.
Really like this Sam. Which lens were you using?

Only comment is it feels a little central, personally I don't think it matters but thats my only niggle.

Just a nifty fifty at 1.8. Yeah I thought it was a bit too centred but I never take photos with the subject in the centre :p
Ah I have the nifty. I can't wait for my strobist stuff to be delivered. I love night photography its just a little lonely if you don't have an enthusiastic person to shoot with!

How did you light this by the way?
Yeah I love mine even more on my D700 now :). And eddie is always up for shooting photos. Gives me loads of practice haha, and seeing as he's getting modelling work now it's even better.

Just one SB-26 at 1/2 through a 24" softbox camera left. Then I think I was at f1.8, ISO 100, and 1/80
Interesting. How far from the model was the softbox?
Just one SB-26 at 1/2 through a 24" softbox camera left. Then I think I was at f1.8, ISO 100, and 1/80

*Makes note and reminds girlfriend that she's becoming a model next week* ;)
nice work, the softbox is a great tool for powerful emotive lighting.
I would crop that just to the left so the subject is looking into some open space..