Critique My favourite model

Gary Cantwell
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Since this juvenile heron has been visiting (3 weeks now) my local pond on a daily basis. I have been able to try different settings on my camera, different compositions and being fairly confident the heron will not fly off.
It has been a bit of a learning curve, but enjoying it.
Some from today, I was there for over an hour and never got any with it's legs showing so most are reflection shots..

Fishing dive by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr

Fish caught by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr

Double take by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr

Mirror by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr

Two heads by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr
Great to be able to practice on him like that Gary, reflections are well done. :)
Cracked no set of images (y)
Some nice work there Gary, a good selection of poses and some nice reflections. Regarding the reflection shots, they could do with being straightened a little - most of the time, and especially when you're square on to the bird in still water, to get the shot correctly levelled you want the same part of the bird to be exactly vertical with the same part on the reflection. With such clear reflections as you have here, I'd be looking at using wither the iris in the eye or the tip of the bill as a reference point.

If you have photoshop, or similar, the easiest way is to co into 'crop' mode, then there is an option to 'straighten'. Click onto straighten then draw a line between the 2 reference points and it will straighten itself up nicely. With lightroom you can use the grid that appears when you want to crop.

Other than that, good clear sharp shots, and some nice light, especially the last where he's coming out of the shadows into the light

Some nice work there Gary, a good selection of poses and some nice reflections. Regarding the reflection shots, they could do with being straightened a little - most of the time, and especially when you're square on to the bird in still water, to get the shot correctly levelled you want the same part of the bird to be exactly vertical with the same part on the reflection. With such clear reflections as you have here, I'd be looking at using wither the iris in the eye or the tip of the bill as a reference point.

If you have photoshop, or similar, the easiest way is to co into 'crop' mode, then there is an option to 'straighten'. Click onto straighten then draw a line between the 2 reference points and it will straighten itself up nicely. With lightroom you can use the grid that appears when you want to crop.

Other than that, good clear sharp shots, and some nice light, especially the last where he's coming out of the shadows into the light

Thanks very much for your critique and comments it is very much appreciated.
Regarding straightening the reflection shots. I went back into PS and took your advice and straightened the image. The composition looks so much better when straightened (y)(y).
Once more your advice as assisted me.