my FIRST dipper plus its mate.

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may not be perfect - but it's my first....:D
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Congrats John great feeling in it, looks like hes got a family to feed as well (y)

i was sitting on a rock edge to a river bank and 2 of them were diving into the ferns covering the rocks near me - a nest..?

that's why i got lucky with a 200mm lens
i was sitting on a rock edge to a river bank and 2 of them were diving into the ferns covering the rocks near me - a nest..?

that's why i got lucky with a 200mm lens

maybe a nest were they coming out beaks empty, if not they've just found a good food source, I zoomed in, it looks like mayfly hes got, so maybe theres an hatching and their emerging and going for cover in the ferns, where they are just picking them off, did you notice lots of flying insects
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maybe a nest were they coming out beaks empty, if not they've just found a good food source, I zoomed in, it looks like mayfly hes got, so maybe theres an hatching and their emerging and going for cover in the ferns, where they are just picking them off, did you notice lots of flying insects

ah yes, beaks still full whilst flying around

yes quite a few mayflies along the surface
as a trout fisher, I should have noticed...:bonk:

I must have sat for an hour ...eventually they ignored me
maybe its mate as they flew close together

not sure about the bird being central, but wanted all the rock...:D
lets hope its the first of many, still on my list to see let alone photograph