My first EVER white tulip...


Edit My Images
... my god they are hard to get right! And I've still not managed it :D Thought it looked better in B+W, but hey, who am I to judge? :)


Be brutal, Ive even gone off it in the time Ive taken to post it :( Ill look at the others and maybe post some more...
It's not easy doing a good edit of a photo with a low kb but I think your image would have more impact with a slight crop and rotate.

Rubbish edit I know. :nuts:

I am actually a bit gutted, every photo I took seemed pin sharp on the screen, but they are all OOF on the monitor :(:( Am I missing something?
Heres another...


Hmmm, not really happy with these after all :(
When do you sharpen and crop/ who do you host them with Betty?

I edit, crop, sharpen, save in that order then upload to photobucket. I don't usually have a problem with them.
To be honest, I dont sharpen any photos. They should at least come off the camera kinda sharp right? ;)
There you go, that's the prob!
Editing and cropping blurs your photo's, most togs have to sharpen before saving for the web. (y)
Ok, but the second pic is straight from the camera, no cropping! Would have been nice to see the tulip in the background a little sharper :)

Can you sharpen in Photobucket then? :)
The white balance is quite a way off in the colour one you posted.

Looking at your settings I'm guessing you're lighting this with a normal light rather than proper flash?

1/30 is quite slow if you are hand holding. You may want to go to something like f4 to help with sharpness and increase the lighting to get better shutter speed. Otherwise get the camera on a tripod and fire it on a timer or remotely.
But you've still reduced it for the forum haven't you, or did you let Photobucket do it? :razz:

Resize it and sharpen it yourself, you've got more control.
Not sure if PB sharpens, I don't let it alter my images.
I let PB do it. *blush*

Heres another then...


Sharpening in PS didnt look like it made a difference for some reason :shrug:
Just had a go with the last one, I'm afraid it's a little too out of focus to make much difference by sharpening it.
tripod and cable or remote release is great for shaky hands.;)

Or take ranarama's advice?
Hmmm, better try a faster shutter speed, or a tripod (y)

Thanks Susane :)