my first outdoor drip with nikon 70-200mm

The 1st looks under saturated and over exposed.
The crop look a little tight too, especially near the tail.
However, it's a nice shot.

The other two look over saturated

THanks.. I agree. actually I increased the colour saturation after the 1st pic (was following the advice from kenrockwell website!! ;))
The 3rd one looks the best for colour & composition to me - nice shot. #1 looks washed out with the exposure & colour saturation. #2, shame that the head looks over exposed (might be my crappy monitor)
Looks like it was taken through glass... weird.
Try boosting the contrast by 50 ish and dropping brightness by 30ish... Will recover (did in Gimp on your pic and works nicely).

Just needs a little darkening (over saturated, but why not? Nice colours!

nice pics. Composed nicely, just need to clone out that twig that looks like its coming from the butt on the left bird... :D
Possibly slightly more contrast?

Congrats on your pics!
Thanks a lot for the comments.. It's boosted my confidence and given me inspiration to do more.