My first published image

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Not going to lie, I am a little bit chuffed about this.

This is the first image that I have had published in any printed media. It's a shot from a wedding last year and has been used in an article written by the hair and make-up stylists which featured in Brides Magazine.

This photo was sent to me by the bride on my facebook page.


And this is the original image.


So yeah, little bit happy about that!. :D

If anyone is interested, you can see the full blog of Jo and Nigel's wedding here.
Enjoy :)

and get a frame for it now...
Thanks guys.

Actually just found out that it is a smaller regional magazine with a very similar name, rather than the big national one. But I'm willing to ignore that.

Enjoy :)

and get a frame for it now...

Already ordered a copy. Going to stick it above my desk to mark as small personal milestone. :)
Congratulations. :clap:

I recently got my first picture in a magazine it was a bit of a buzz, so I can understand how you feel. Saw it as a PDF, but was chuffed to get copies of the magazine. I ordered four copies in case I wear them out. :LOL:
Thank you guys.
Woke up to another nice email this morning. Another regional wedding magazine (this time for my area!) has stumbled across the very first wedding I shot, and want to run a four page feature, use one of the shots as the magazine cover and also enter one into their favourite photo competition!

Congratulations. :clap:

I recently got my first picture in a magazine it was a bit of a buzz, so I can understand how you feel. Saw it as a PDF, but was chuffed to get copies of the magazine. I ordered four copies in case I wear them out. :LOL:
I did the same, bought one copy to cut it out, and another copy to keep intact. How sad! :cool: