My History of Seascapes (please view all images)

Edit My Images
well, after giving some help and advice on an outing from the camera club last night, i thought i would share with you some images i have taken over the past 18 months. I have done this to hopefully inspire people who maybe are getting frustrated with there own work, there is hope!

This image was taken 18 months ago when i first got into landscape photography (and really didnt have a clue what i was doing!!) i kinda understood filters, but no understanding on composition or exposure etc.


Wisemans Bridge 030 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr
This image was taken a few months later, having studied a bit about composition, this was one of over 600 i took in one evening (i used to be a gun slinging shoot everything and hop). this is also the ONLY of over 600 images that i managed to edit today to save and show i was improving. Luck or chance, i dont mind it.


tenby3 364 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr

These were taken last night, hopefully you can see the improvement. I havent paid for any lessons, just gone out with friends in a camera club and used this forum and magazines to help. I have also watched many videos on Youtube (my favourite being Gavin hoey please check him out!) These are just over 12 months from the second image. Please enjoy.


Southerndown II 068 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr

Southerndown II 061 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr

Southerndown II 025 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr

Southerndown II 003 by treasuredphotography, on Flickr
Great to see such an improvement Matt, good on you!

Number 4 is the strongest composition I feel, really nice image! It's interesting because 7 and 9 are pretty similar but i think of them being much more weak.

I also really like 5 and 8!

You certainly inspired me Matt

lovely set of improving images.
Good idea for a thread. Great to see the improvement you have made as well! Where we're the last set taken?
thanks for the comments guys.

forgot to say the locations! first is wisemans bridge, Pembrokeshire, second is Tenby and the rest are from Southerndown in South Wales.

i was a bit worried about putting my early work up, but i hope it will encourage people to keep learning and keep developing there skills. im learning all the time, but i know its worth it.
Some of your horizons are all over the place, but other than that it's a sound set.
Definitely getting better...
Very nice work, shows what a bit of dedication and passion can bring to your work!
Thanks for the comments. These latest ones should be pretty spot on with the horizon as they were edited it cs6 on the straightener but thanks for the comment. If it inspires one person to purservier I will be happy
I really enjoyed the photos plus, the concept of seeing how your work has improved over a given time in just a few shots. Congrats on your post. Inspiration comes in various forms...
If it inspires one person to purservier I will be happy

Be happy - I'm inspired!!

Too easy to get disheartened when you don't crank 'em out like Joe Cornish et el. Giving myself the "must try harder" look for this weekend.

And no 4 is the cracker for me - love it............
Lovely set, i particurlaly like #2 the composition, the water lines and the clouds, i reckon you could pull some more colour out of that in Lightroom.