My Huskies

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My Furry Rabble...




And Flash whom i sadly lost last year this was one of the first pics i took with my camera
These shots are good and show alot of potential seeing as you have such great dogs but i think the main advice would to be get uncluttered backrounds as cluttered ones detract from the shot especially in photo 1 as you have the bike, and other dog.

Definately try some more ASAP as you've got some great models to practice one :)
Thank you was sooo worried lol i only learnt a few weeks ago there were words such as raw, depth of field f-stops my mind boggles with knowing i have sooo much to learn i am so grateful for your comments and hope by being a member here i can learn so much especially with whats been said above will be something i will take on board and maybe plan shots better and well hopefully learn how to adjust images so things like the background are not so distracting any help advice eagerly received but talk in simple terms please im easily confussed lol
you could paint the backgrounds out of the above, but tbh, it'd be a nightmare, If I were you, I'd take said pups for a walk (i'm sure they won't mind :p), get out into some open fields, try and get them to sit/stand still :cautious:, use a fairly low aperture, focus on the dogs eyes, then shoot, the low DOF should throw the background out of focus, giving a much more pleasing image :)
Got to agree with above - gorgeous models. You must have your hands full with this lot, we have two long coated akita's and they are enough.

I think the husky has a great charismatic face and you have great eye colour to work with.

Looking forward to seeing some more.

I had to go back and look at these "cluttered" backgrounds. The guys are right, the setting could be lots better but I didn't see it first time of looking.

Too distracted by your fabulous dogs.
Thankyou, will need to enlist the help of the o.h, with my lot being rescues and one or 2 with quite a high prey drive they sadly started their training late in life and it does not give them a reliable recall in unsecured open spaces, i would have to figure out a way to have them on a lead in suggested fields open spaces but without the risk of the getting loose ect but i really hate the way collars break up the fur around the neck could this be hidden with tweaking?? I have a nice walled area in my garden maybe once the paving slabs have gone this may be another option but i will enjoy the challenge of getting shots of them in a more greener enviroment. thanks for the advice so far (y)
Badger looks really lovely ( not that the thers don't) but he stands out.....lovely pic xx
Aww thats fab huni...^^^^ :D

i dont have photoshop... but i could use micro leads they are a very thin chain almost as thin as a necklace could use those will have less impact on the fur easier to hide mmm ...i have corel paint shop pro x been using it to play with banners and signatures n stuff but never pics it does have some capabilities but not a patch on photoshop so i believe which i will buy when i can afford to but saying that if i could afford it i would spend my money on a slr instead....but first of all im after learning how to use this fuji properly :thinking:
Really beautiful Huskies, I agree with the comments on the backgrounds, good shots though, I look forward to seeing some more!

Kerioak, I LIKE YOUR STYLE!!!!! :love: That is awesome,
Hi Howler and Ladybird, thanks - had a good picture to work from (apart from that green hose down the right hand side mingling with the fur :p )

I would have thought you would have some kind of layer, clone and erase facility in Paint Shop Pro at the least and these will get you by in many situations for removing dog's collars and leads.
yeah i do have those options and use them regular for other things lol will give it a go :D(y)
Nice puppies, Don't be so quick to condemn paint shop pro, I've got x2 and find it very capable. my better half uses CS3 a lot and he's been quite complementary about it! Personally I love the way you can totally customise the workspace with the tools YOU use. though that said, I do love the raw plugin thingy in CS3

i do like my paintshop to be honest, i did not even know you could play with pictures i.e noise removal ect until the other week as i have had it the pc for a year went through getting started doing odd bits on it then never went near it for 6 months and only used to to play with banners, blends ect....
had my camera a year but initially used it to just take pics of the dogs.
then i had a family trauma and did not pick it up for nearly 6 months due to sheer lack of time.... its wierd because whether or not i have what it takes to get good pics... its more for personal achievement and being able to take pics of my animals furry or scaley or anything else i take a fancy to :D
i want them to be good, but now i find my self looking around more thinking mmm that be a good picture... think im driving martin barmy with it really.... i have been bitten so to speak, so hand in hand with that comes getting my head round paint shop as well, so forgive my ignorance i was not condemming it as such, but i suppose was being easily influenced by others only beacuse i want them to look the very best i can get them too, it just seemed everytime i mentioned it i get told to get rid and buy cs3, but just dont have that kind of money plus if i did i would like a proper slr.....

Wall eyes or two blue eyes is very common in huskies you even get a split eye half green half brown, flash was the only sibe i had with a blue eye, i lost him very quickly to cancer last year i was so grateful i got that picture of him i have it hanging on my wall now but now i keep thinking i gotta sort that bloody background out even at the time it never entered my head that the background would make a difference but now i can and thats the joy of learning...(y) i really am grateful for all the input
I love Badger and Cuda!

Lovely dogs!