My ISS shot went Viral

It's now nearly had 98k views and been Shortlisted for Astronomy photographer of the year from the Royal Greenwich Observatory :)
Looking forward to the awards in September :)
Awesome shot! The shooting star!

Shhhhh . . . but I think it's the ISS not a star ;)
It's still a pretty awesome shot though.

It's now nearly had 98k views and been Shortlisted for Astronomy photographer of the year from the Royal Greenwich Observatory :)
Looking forward to the awards in September :)

:clap: Congratulations Tim. Very, very well deserved.
Best of luck to you at the awards.
Out of this world Tim (intended Pun)😉 well done indeed.
This is a really nice shot! Just wondering how you know it's the ISS?
Well done, the publicity is well deserved, that is a great shot. Hope you win!
Thanks guys :)

It's defiantly the ISS, my NASA app told me so ;)
When you see if its very obvious it's not a meteor or plane, normally very fast and bright.. Once you start taking pics of it it becomes addictive !

Glad to hear you made it onto the APOTY 2013 short list. I have two images short listed so I look forward to meeting you on the 18th September. I can't say any of mine have gone viral but they were shown on Yahoo News, Microsoft News, BBC News and all the quality UK newspapers via the courtesy of the RGO publicity department. Anyhow best of luck, I really like your image and do honestly hope you win or at the minimum get a highly commended award !!