My wedding shots..


Not a mermaid
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OK, im being a bit brave here.. these are the first edits of of my first every wedding as an official assistant..

I must admit i was very nervous about it, but i soon settled down and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.. I was KNACKERED! but enjoyed myself.. of course iv made loads of mistakes, and forgot simple things.. but i tried to remember my old mantra.. KISS.. (Keep It Simple Stupid!)

Anyway, here they are, be as harsh as you like.. i need to get it together and QUICK! lol..


The Bride getting ready.







The Groom..

This is a crop and conversion of the above image..














Dont ask me.. i only took the picture!.. lol..

I like them all
except the last one - v scary!
1st group v good!!
Thanks for the comment.. i dont know what the look was for! lol.
#9 and #13 stand out for me, like them a lot (y)
Congrats on breaking your duck, upwards and onwards (y)

btw, the Groom looks like someone out of Clockwork Orange in #5 and #6 :LOL:
Thanks for the comment.. i dont know what the look was for! lol.

Do you know what it feel slike to turn round and find a very tall bald bloke pointing a canon at you? :whistle: :p

Tony, a very good set, I recall this is the nervous groom farmer chap isn't it? Not sure about the first 3, they are nice momentoes, but not far enough into the preparations to be....stand out preparation shots IYKWIM?

Loving the colour groom shot, but not the closer in mono, I would prefer that to be colour too with those blue eyes, maybe with a little glow?

The tractor cufflink stands out as a particularly good shot for this particular couple and I think thats one of the things being a wedding tog is about - finding that individualilty of this couple from every other couple and capturing it (y)

Mind you on the same note, the group shot of the groomsmen might have been even better if you couple have incorporated the tractor rather than it appearing to be background clutter, but its still a great composition.

So overall, I am impressed with your first wedding mate, the boy did good and I know he will improve very quickly because he is a quick learner that Tony fella :D(y)
Do you know what it feel slike to turn round and find a very tall bald bloke pointing a canon at you? :whistle: :p

Tony, a very good set, I recall this is the nervous groom farmer chap isn't it? Not sure about the first 3, they are nice momentoes, but not far enough into the preparations to be....stand out preparation shots IYKWIM?

Loving the colour groom shot, but not the closer in mono, I would prefer that to be colour too with those blue eyes, maybe with a little glow?

The tractor cufflink stands out as a particularly good shot for this particular couple and I think thats one of the things being a wedding tog is about - finding that individualilty of this couple from every other couple and capturing it (y)

Mind you on the same note, the group shot of the groomsmen might have been even better if you couple have incorporated the tractor rather than it appearing to be background clutter, but its still a great composition.

So overall, I am impressed with your first wedding mate, the boy did good and I know he will improve very quickly because he is a quick learner that Tony fella :D(y)

That is what I would have like to said, if I had the experience & honesty of Yv.:clap:
Still like those eyes in 5 though.
That is what I would have like to said, if I had the experience & honesty of Yv.:clap:
Still like those eyes in 5 though.

Experience? none whatsoever of weddings [well, apart form my dads which wasn't quite the same thing] but I do know Tony and know he will either appreciate a genuine opinion, or throw me in the Thames at the next meet :help: :LOL:
You should be very proud of those!
A great wedding set, let alone first as assistant. I agree with Yvonne about the prep shots, would be nice to either see the dress on or in shot or other wedding related stuff (dressed up bridesmaids, shoes, that sort of thing) but well done (y)
#9 and #13 stand out for me, like them a lot
Congrats on breaking your duck, upwards and onwards

btw, the Groom looks like someone out of Clockwork Orange in #5 and #6 :LOL:

I know! scary eh! lol. Duck was well and truly blasted out of the lake over the weekend!

5 (the eyes are superb),7 & 9 for me Tony.
A great set & hope to see more like this from you.


Thanks Spence, i have another wedding set to go through, but thats going to be a few days before i get around to posting.. but Watch this space!! :)

Do you know what it feel slike to turn round and find a very tall bald bloke pointing a canon at you?

Tony, a very good set, I recall this is the nervous groom farmer chap isn't it? Not sure about the first 3, they are nice momentoes, but not far enough into the preparations to be....stand out preparation shots IYKWIM?

Loving the colour groom shot, but not the closer in mono, I would prefer that to be colour too with those blue eyes, maybe with a little glow?

The tractor cufflink stands out as a particularly good shot for this particular couple and I think thats one of the things being a wedding tog is about - finding that individualilty of this couple from every other couple and capturing it

Mind you on the same note, the group shot of the groomsmen might have been even better if you couple have incorporated the tractor rather than it appearing to be background clutter, but its still a great composition.

So overall, I am impressed with your first wedding mate, the boy did good and I know he will improve very quickly because he is a quick learner that Tony fella :D(y)

Who is this Baldie big bloke then? i didnt see him :thinking: Anyway, thank you for the honest crit.. as much as id love everyone to blow smoke up my left trouser leg (As if!) it wouldnt do me or prospective clients any good! So im very happy for you to tell me like it is! im sure Colin will be a little more er..:thinking: HONEST :puke: when we next talk!! lol..

Oh, btw, next meeting.. bring your cossie... :naughty:

You should be very proud of those!
A great wedding set, let alone first as assistant. I agree with Yvonne about the prep shots, would be nice to either see the dress on or in shot or other wedding related stuff (dressed up bridesmaids, shoes, that sort of thing) but well done (y)

Thank you for that.. i was worried that when i got home and saw the pictures on the screen they would only be good for the bin! i was ACTUALLY shaking for the first hour!! lol.. i wasnt that nervous when i went on active service for the first time!! lol..

The prep shots would have been dressed up but i had to shoot off to cover the guys.. next time maybe, but as its not my gig then im not complaining.. its ALL good... (y)
Lol.. i know, im afraid i cant help that!!.. :nuts:
My favourites are 7 and 13 - I think the processing on 13 is very nice, suits the image and have a very classical feel to it.

I like the group shot of the blokes in theory but as has been mentioned the background could have been better and I can't stand the sunglasses on the other guys!!!!
they came out really well tony, number 7 was a clever find

Thanks Tristan, You'd never guess he was a farmer would you.. ;)

My favourites are 7 and 13 - I think the processing on 13 is very nice, suits the image and have a very classical feel to it.

I like the group shot of the blokes in theory but as has been mentioned the background could have been better and I can't stand the sunglasses on the other guys!!!!

Thanks for the comment, i did try to get the tractor in as an addition to the shot but it didnt look right! this was the best of the bunch, but its a lesson learned for sure..

I was going to get them all to put glasses on, but they were one short! so i thought it should be the main man.. :shrug: i did my best.. its the very first time iv done anything like this.. so im VERY happy with what i got..

Sorry fraggle, read back what I put earlier and it's a bit strong to say "i can't stand the sunglasses" - I like the poses of the guys in that photo, I just have this thing about people wearing sunglasses at weddings, I think it can sometimes look a bit cheap, especially on the blokes who are wearing such traditional formal dress and especially when they are multi-coloured oakley lenses!!!!!! - I would never expect to see the bride wearing sunglasses - but I am sure people have seen it!

Sorry for being a bit strong! :muted:
Apart from the 'scary look' one, they are all really excellent... onwards and upwards, eh? :D
Sorry fraggle, read back what I put earlier and it's a bit strong to say "i can't stand the sunglasses" - I like the poses of the guys in that photo, I just have this thing about people wearing sunglasses at weddings, I think it can sometimes look a bit cheap, especially on the blokes who are wearing such traditional formal dress and especially when they are multi-coloured oakley lenses!!!!!! - I would never expect to see the bride wearing sunglasses - but I am sure people have seen it!

Sorry for being a bit strong! :muted:

Hey, no need to apologise! if i didnt want peoples opinions then they would have gone in to the fluffy section! it all comes down to taste.. which is a personal thing.. im not taking pictures to FIT into the rules.. and i dont comment on a picture to point out whether or not it fits in to the rule well or not so well.. its about seeing what you like.. or dont like..

So, no worries.. i like the glasses BECAUSE of the fact they go against the traditional suites.. :LOL:

Apart from the 'scary look' one, they are all really excellent... onwards and upwards, eh? :D

Thanks mate, high praise indeed.. i just hope the boss thinks their ok! :puke:
Okay, you asked for it! :D

Generally a very good set Tony and you must be pleased with them. I know you were stressing about it but hopefully you're over that now. ;)

I'll crit each one separately:

1. Nothing wrong with that at all, good informal portrait.
2. Technically fine but not one that would be used because of the hair sticking up (I have an almost identical shot and it got binned)
3. This one looks a bit soft but that might be my eyes, exposure is good but not sure if it would used as there is now real pizzazz.
4. Like that one but it looks like it need about third of a stop exposure.
5. Very nice. :clap:
6. Good idea but a bit scary so probably wouldn't be used!
7. Top shot, well spotted.
8. Good informal shot but it's a shame the best mans head is cut off.
9. Well thought out and pretty good poses, I actually like the sunglasses but I think I would have preferred it without the top hats. Needs a bit of a contrast boost.
10. Absolutely fine but would probably look better as a punchy mono.
11. Like it but the mono conversion looks a bit flat.
12. I think the God Squad dominates this one a bit much and Vicki looks a bit soft.
13. Lovely, relaxed shot but not sure about the processing as it looks a bit dark and funereal to me but that is easily fixed.
14. :nono: :D

I hope you don't take offence or get downhearted at the crit as that is not how it is intended, you know I won't say "nice shot" just for the hell of it. I realise you want to get more experience and hopefully this will help as you need to be thinking about every shot. Thanks for all your help over the (long) weekend. (y)
Can't really add to what's already been said, I know how scary this stuff is, done it once, never again.... ok maybe again, but I won't be making a habit of it!:D

Well done for getting out and doing this and as others have said, a good set that with the crit you've recieved can only mean the next set are even better.

Okay, you asked for it! :D

Generally a very good set Tony and you must be pleased with them. I know you were stressing about it but hopefully you're over that now. ;)

I'll crit each one separately:

1. Nothing wrong with that at all, good informal portrait.
2. Technically fine but not one that would be used because of the hair sticking up (I have an almost identical shot and it got binned)
3. This one looks a bit soft but that might be my eyes, exposure is good but not sure if it would used as there is now real pizzazz.
4. Like that one but it looks like it need about third of a stop exposure.
5. Very nice. :clap:
6. Good idea but a bit scary so probably wouldn't be used!
7. Top shot, well spotted.
8. Good informal shot but it's a shame the best mans head is cut off.
9. Well thought out and pretty good poses, I actually like the sunglasses but I think I would have preferred it without the top hats. Needs a bit of a contrast boost.
10. Absolutely fine but would probably look better as a punchy mono.
11. Like it but the mono conversion looks a bit flat.
12. I think the God Squad dominates this one a bit much and Vicki looks a bit soft.
13. Lovely, relaxed shot but not sure about the processing as it looks a bit dark and funereal to me but that is easily fixed.
14. :nono: :D

I hope you don't take offence or get downhearted at the crit as that is not how it is intended, you know I won't say "nice shot" just for the hell of it. I realise you want to get more experience and hopefully this will help as you need to be thinking about every shot. Thanks for all your help over the (long) weekend. (y)

All received and understood.. some of the bits you have mentioned can easily be adjusted if needs be, but overall im happy with what i managed to get, considering how nervy i was to begin with! lol.. Looking forward to the next now... :)
Can't really add to what's already been said, I know how scary this stuff is, done it once, never again.... ok maybe again, but I won't be making a habit of it!:D

Well done for getting out and doing this and as others have said, a good set that with the crit you've recieved can only mean the next set are even better.


Thanks Mark, the next set has already been shot! just got to edit them. we'll see if they are any better... :puke:
After the first dozen or so - you won't throw up before the gig - then it gets easier ...

Keep at it ....
Nice set Fraggle, and good constructive criticism. I'm looking forward to seeing the publicity shots you done for this band that were in the walkers crisp advert with Gary Lineker.
Hi Nathan, i shall post them when iv found them...:whistle:
Nice set of images mate and I do not think I can add any crit that has not been mentioned, have to say a great set since it was your first time out.

Will wait for the next wedding set, and the publicity shots....

Ta mate, it was a baptism of fire i can tell you! im a bit more settled now.. :LOL: