Naples, Pompeii and Vesuvius

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Hi All,

Would really like to hear your feedback on the below set, taken over a long weekend at the start of October.

It was difficult to balance the opportunities to take photos vs. spending the whole weekend looking through a viewfinder!

Let me know your thoughts!

1. Espresso

2. Naples Traffic

3. Graffiti

4. Galleria Umberto

5. Sunset over Naples
And here's part 2:

6. The View from Vesuvius

7.A cheeky handstand

8.Pompeii Amphitheatre

9.The View to Vesuvius

10. Sunset over Pompeii

C&C welcome

Not sure if that's lens distortion or desired effect in #1 :thinking:
...but my picks are #2,6&9
wanted to like #5 but a little hazy for my taste
Not sure if that's lens distortion or desired effect in #1 :thinking:
...but my picks are #2,6&9
wanted to like #5 but a little hazy for my taste

It was meant to be the desired effect!

Thanks for your picks - it was really hazy shooting from the mountain.

I like #4 - nice wide angle shot.

I think the idea behind #1 is good, but a full cup would be better! :D (plus crop out the fingers in the corner....)

I've done the Pompeii and Vesuvius trip, lots of opportunity to take the usual postcard shots, more difficult to come away with that slight different take....
Distortion of the buildings which had the desired effect for the OP and I assume is down to the choice of lens ?

yeah I took it at 10mm because I wanted to get the coffee mug in and the rest of the scene as well - I ended up cropping the photo down so i could have got away with 15mm or so probably! Might see if Ican correct that....
No's 1, 2 and 4 would by my pick from what looked like a good holiday.

Thanks- I'm pleased with number 2 and the Galleria Umberto was a stunning building.

It was a great holiday as well!

i think that there are some good images here if you can post process some of them out, the first doesnt work for me but #8 has loads of potential, and the ceiling in #4 is stunning, its a shame it was full of people. #3 with a contrast tweak would be pretty good too
i think that there are some good images here if you can post process some of them out, the first doesnt work for me but #8 has loads of potential, and the ceiling in #4 is stunning, its a shame it was full of people. #3 with a contrast tweak would be pretty good too

Thanks for your comments, Matty. I must confess that PP is not my strong point!

Here's another one of the Galleria, with less people, but less ceiling...


I've had a play with #3 - boosted the contrast and changed the white balance:


What would you recommend for number 8? I had played with the colour temperature with this one. would a boost of the levels help?


I like both shots of the Galleria. I think the one with the people gives a sense of scale but then I guess it's personal preference / opinion! :)
I love the composition of number 4. (y)

I like both shots of the Galleria. I think the one with the people gives a sense of scale but then I guess it's personal preference / opinion! :)

Thank you! It was an incredible building, really spacious and had an air of calm in what was a pretty hectic city! :)
Thanks for your comments, Matty. I must confess that PP is not my strong point!

Here's another one of the Galleria, with less people, but less ceiling...


I've had a play with #3 - boosted the contrast and changed the white balance:


What would you recommend for number 8? I had played with the colour temperature with this one. would a boost of the levels help?



good stuff, the contrast boost on #3 makes a big dfference, quite liking the empty galleria too. perhaps a vignette on #3?

#8, contrast boost and mono conversion might bring the lines out more.
Appreciate the feedback, Matty.

#3 looks much better now - I had though the 'cold' feel was a good style but it does have a bit more punch now.


I have done the mono convert with a boost to the contrast and a slight change to the levels, but I think personally I prefer the colour version, as I like the colour change from top left to bottom right.


