Natural people shots.

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Hi all a good friend had asked if I will take photos of her and her baby.
However she does not like having her Photo taken so has asked for natural Photos so no posing etc just them in their garden going about what ever it is they do.
Now I have not really done any Portrait photography, ive read a few guides so now bout shoulders and heads and focusing on just them etc. but I don't know alot and certainly about getting good photographs just out of nothing. No posing etc. so any advice would be very grateful thank you

I Have a 18-55mm lens and 55-200mm lens on a D3100 with No flash, other than built in one.

I don't do any portraits but focus on the eyes, maybe get down to the little ones level for a number of shots, possibly keep an eye the background for distractions and maybe move any garden clutter out the way not to appear in shots. I wouldn't generally use flash, some might suggest it as a fill flash but I'm not too clued up on using it thus far.

Sorry can't be more helpful but I am hoping to start some portrait stuff sometime soon.

Andy thank you for you reply (y)
Thanks for the advice, gives me a better idea :) guess if i take lots! then bound to have some good ones lol
Watch out for those special moments when they're engrossed in what they're doing, oblivious to the camera and have that look of natural relaxation - you'll know it when you see it.
If their garden's not particularly conducive to photography, how about meeting up in a park instead? - although space isn't always the be all and end all.

This is one of my favourite photos of my nephew.
I was actually there to photograph his baby sister, but I spotted him leaning on a beanbag engrossed in the television and grabbed the shot. The black b/g that you see is actually the chocolate brown curtains in their living room. Believe it or not, their living room is tiny and a nightmare for clutter, but it was a just a case of framing and cropping to minimise all that.

I've taken pics for 3 different friends and their babies/kids, my learnings were:

-watch your background (branches in heads etc)
-shoot fairly open to blur background and brings focus on subjects)
-maybe get a 5 in 1 type reflector to improve/re-direct natural light
-burst shoot (maybe 3 pic bursts)
-do not use the onboard flash
-do not use the onboard flash
-once the kid gets upset etc, just stop and try again when their happier
-try and get yourself a 35mm 1.8

Good luck!
Hello :)

Depending how much time you have with them, I'd suggest not taking the camera out straight away. I took some pictures for a friend recently of her daughter and she wanted them to be as natural as possible - I just sat and chatted for a short while and then let her get on with also helped the baby get used to my presence....then when I got the camera out, she wasn't so awkward.

It could've just been my natural calming presence :D but it's worth a go ;)
Sarah: thank you for your reply very helpful! and that is a great picture, I thought it was in a studio with a black back drop :)

James: Brilliant thank you very much great advise. I will note those down in my little photograph pad (y) what is so good about the 35mm lens? I have thought about new lenses in-case there were portrait lenses?

Sarb: Yes I understand that I did think about just chatting etc first for a while then just snapping as things happen :)

Great stuff Folks thanks for your Help (y)
My advice, use your 200mm and stand back, open ** aperture (wide open) most of your first shots will be useless, keep going, they will start to be more natural as you go on and no longer notice ** they. Burst is good faster the better with kids. without a flashgun for fill light no flash, no on board flash

heres a back garden shoot i did

I hated it, so many shots reined because of clutter, go to a park :)
Daniel: ok cool got ya. Is the Burst good so you don't miss anything?
Had a look. good photos I like them. feeling confident now :) (y)

James right ok ill have a look cheers (y)