ND grad filters


I'm currently picking together a new kit, including a Canon 40D. I'm also considering the Canon EF-S 10-22mm lens. And then there's the filter decision.

First of all, I'm not really convinced of the differences between Hitech, Singh Ray and Lee ND grads. Will the Hitech's yield dramatically different results than let's say the Lee's, because the price difference does imply there is a rather significant gap between the two.

And then there's the actual use. With a 10-22 mm lens on a 40D, will a filter holding system create vignetting. If so, what systems are available to counter this. I feel holding the filter in your hand sincerely limits the precision of the filter, and thus might result in less dramatic pictures than when used in conjunction with a holding system. I might however be completely mistaken, and if so, would like to be corrected by you who are in the know.

I currently lean towards the two kits available from Hitech (both soft and hard edge) due to their very nice price. Any and all advice is welcome!
Wow after all my thread about Cokin magenta colour cast this pops up.

The official response from Cokin and Warehouse express is:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we have been waiting for a response from Cokin, which we’ve now had.

Apparently all square filter manufacturers inc. Cokin, Lee, Hitek etc had to change the formulation of gradual filters two years ago because of an EEC ruling that a particular chemical previously used in production could no longer be used. The new formulation has been fine except that in a small number of cases the user has experienced a cast. No one seems to be sure why this only affects a few cameras but Cokin have only been made aware of a very small number of cases. This explains why we weren’t experiencing the same issue when we tried the filters!

To put it into context, the P121 series of ND gradual filters represents over 50% of all Cokin sales – thousands of filters every year. Our contact at Cokin said he had never heard of this problem before and was very pleased that we had brought it to his attention.

Notice the never heard of this problem before bit...:D