New 1000D, Crappy Pictures.

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Well my Canon 1000D came today. Really pleased with it as its my first real camara and just love the way it feels. BUT!

I went out before on the seafront and i am pretty gutted about my pictures. I left it on auto and took 147 pictures. But nearly every one has come out not that clear. I left it on AF and had stablizer on also. I tryed to be alittle arty in the pictures to :shake:.

I really need some help!.

Will upload some pictures for advice.

Will do.

I must say i really enjoyed taking pictures with the camara, But when i got home i was alittle down about them.

Uploading now :).

dont worry about it Luke

Stick them up here and we can have a look. Im sure you will improve quickly and there are plenty of people on here to give advice and handy tips

may be its down to it being new to you and you need just to handle it more, get to know it, for balance and check out your holding it correctly also in auto, you cant select an AF point so when you look through the eye piece you see lots of AF points flash, if one of those isnt over what you want as the focal point it then that wont be in focus, go with a creative mode so you can select an AF point, also most digital image need to be sharpened and some PP work
Patience dear boy, patience.
You are not the first and you wont be the last to think their fist batch of photos are rubbish.
Mine were so I joined this forum and learned a lot for the good people here :)
may be its down to it being new to you and you need just to handle it more, get to know it, for balance and check out your holding it correctly also in auto, you cant select an AF point so when you look through the eye piece you see lots of AF points if one of those isnt over what you want as the focal point it then that wont be in focus, go with a creative mode so you can select an AF point, also most digital image need to be sharpened

Well, Funny you should say that. When i did play around with it on MF some came out well. But as you said about AF points i was thinking the same thing, But wasnt to sure if i was thinking sense.

Yup, Well i knew when i got home if i wasnt happy with the pictures i know you guys/gals would help me out.
you say you were on the seafront, were you photographing out to sea? the camera in auto mode might be simply focusing on infinity (which may mean that the foreground is out of focus) as its easiest for the camera, but not what you want it to do!

first thing to do is learn GREEN SQUARE IS BAD! set it to one of the PASM mode (try the P to start and take some photos of the same thing with different settings to see the difference they make). secondly choose a focus point (start with the centre one) and place that over the subject when half pressing, the camera will then take its focus from that item rather than what it finds easiest. see if that helps.

remember your in control, dont let the camera make ALL the decisions for you (just for now let it make some of the more complex ones for you) you tell it what you want to have as the focal point of the image :)

read the manual (i know i know crazy) it aint half packed with interesting useful stuff! and good luck :)
I tryed to get the stairs and the sunset, But the camara adjusted the brightness for the sunset leaving the stairs very dark which they wasnt. When in Auto on the shame shot the flash went off but it just wasnt the same as everything was far to bright. I had the auto contrast on to.

Pictures are here
You're asking the camera to do something no digital camera can do! The contrast in the shot is too high for the camera to be able to record highlight and shadow detail. You've exposed for the highlights (or the camera has) and got a very nice picture! You should be quite happy with that.
I like that shot, nice composition, if you had it in a creative mode you could have shot in raw which in PP you would be able to recover any blown highlights and correct the contrast/colour and sharpen, then it would be (y)
I've taken a few thousand with the 1000D and I'm still making mistakes and overexposing things. You'll learn though what mistakes to avoid in time, it's a steep learning curve, but worth it in the end when you get a good shot.
I like that shot, nice composition, if you had it in a creative mode you could have shot in raw which in PP you would be able to recover any blown highlights and correct the contrast/colour and sharpen, then it would be (y)

It'll pull back pretty well as is, a few tweeks will make a big difference.
Had a quick edit at it myself - then realised the OP hasn't got edits enabled:bonk::bonk::bonk:
Guys, guys. Now I'm sure Luke isn't an idiot.
In fact from his forum etiquette it's clear that he's not.

But you need to talk about the techniques of photography in less jargon. All this stuff about HDR and multiple exposures and focussing to infinity and shooting in raw is all very complex to someone who has just entered the realms of photography.

Luke, if you can, get a book called 'Understanding Exposure'.
It's very, very simple, but fantastic for a beginner. Really helps for you to literally do that - understand exposure.

Once you understand how to take photographs, it's literally practise practise practise.

Also, you might want to get yourself acquainted with a photo editing program.
Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Gimp, Irfanview and Paint Shop Pro are all good, with GIMP and Irfanview being free should funds be tight.

Processing your photos is half the stuff of digital photography!

Hope the stuff in here has helped :)
camera lab scientists have proved that an auto on a DSLR isnt as good as auto on a P&S, also dont forget you only have kit lenses which are sufficient but they cant get as much abuse as proper lenses.
Also it's a new camera. It'll take time for you to learn the ins and outs of it before it becomes second nature for you to take better shots on it. I'm still learning my camera after a few months. Keep at it.
Thanks for all of the advice guys much appreciated!.

I think i am going to get out again tonight and get some more pictures at the same place and just mess around with the camara. Tomorrow there is a small airshow at Blackpool seafront so i am going to try and see what pictures i can get.

Messing around is half the fun, don't be too hung up on not getting amazing photos just yet. Just photoshop them to within an inch of their life :D
i think it was that an SLR is not designed for auto and normally its a manual, whereas a P&S is an auto machine. its a bit like macs running windows its possbile buts its not as good as an optimized windows machine.
i think it was that an SLR is not designed for auto and normally its a manual, whereas a P&S is an auto machine. its a bit like macs running windows its possbile buts its not as good as an optimized windows machine.

That analogy is just not working! :LOL:

To Luke: Try and read what each mode on your camera does and understand the different settings, what you want achieve and then apply your knowledge to implement your newly gained knowledge to actually take the pictures you want. That takes time and it's almost never the camera's fault!
Alternatively, Canon run some excellent photographic courses, for all levels of folk.
It's a lot easier to be shown how to do something, than read from a book, esp in the early days.
Check out their website for details
Read or buy a guide about the 1000D and also get yourself a half decent filter.

'Auto' doesn't always give the best picture IMO.

You could also pop into a Jessops and they might help you set it up. My local jessops offered to do that for me, even though I bought my camera elsewhere.
Just a quick process that brings out the stairs, not perfect my any means.
Had a good weekend with the camara and some good guys. Went down next to the runway at Blackpool airport as there was a small airshow. I got talking to a guy who knew his stuff and told me some good place to stand at the fence so i could get clear shots. Which then there was another guy standing there, Got chatting to him and told him i was new to it all, And he really gave me some very good advice and had time for me to explain things. He let me use his 100-400mm IS USM lens which was amazing!. Couldnt beleave how close the lens could get and how clear everything looks!. I have some very good pictures with it.

So now i am really happy with the camara and really understand things much better, Must say he was a top guy indeed spent 4.5hrs with him.
sharing is caring, its always good to see the more experienced togs helping the ones still learning.

ps: get your pics up!
hey Im a 1000D newbie too... and I think your pics were good but like you said a little on the dark side. I too need to read the book on understanding exposure... will be my next buy, or may even go to the library and have a mooch.

Good luck and glad you had a better weekend!
Another 1000D newbie he he. Ye they are alittle dark, But i was told i need a filter that tones the sunset down abit, and allows the darker areas to become much brighter. My day shots are very clear and bright that i took with the 18-55mm kit lens, 100-400mm which was just amazing :love:.

Will upload pics now...
