New iPad - Disappointed


I'll stick to my 2 inches
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OK, picked up the new iPad this morning and I have to say, I'm very disappointed.

As far as I can tell, there is literally no speed difference between this and my iPad 2. Also, it doesn't feel quite right in the hand.

Yes the display is much better, but the iPad 2 screen is very good.

If anyone is thinking about buying one, I would save yourself a few quid and go for the iPad 2.

my boss had his 3 delivered today and it compared to my 2 it feels identical to hold, yeah the 3 is 1mm thicker but thats nothing.

not checked the speed out but the screen looks worth the upgrade alone.
It was more the weight than the size actually. Being picky I'm sure.

I've just compared identical images and I prefer the iPad 2. The text certainly looks better on the new one, but these test images didn't bode well at all.

Going to get some proper test pics from the camera on there, these were just high res images from the net.

The silly thing is...people will buy it and apple know that! I saw it only had better resolution and instantly wondered "why?"... Oh well...I stopped buying iphones in favour of android and now wouldn't go back...

Sorry to hear you're disappointed!
The silly thing is...people will buy it and apple know that! I saw it only had better resolution and instantly wondered "why?"... Oh well...I stopped buying iphones in favour of android and now wouldn't go back...

Sorry to hear you're disappointed!

why do TV, monitors, camera sensors etc etc etc resolutions keep increasing...

to be fair i was surprised the 2 didnt have HD resolution
The silly thing is...people will buy it and apple know that! I saw it only had better resolution and instantly wondered "why?"...

And I'll bet you thought the same when 405 lines switched to 625. And in 20 years you'll be complaining about your videos being 8200p when 5500p was obviouly good enough.
I am more than pleased with mine, but have held off purchasing previous generations, so can't comment on how good the upgrades are.

It feels great in the hand & I am sure clients will love the interaction during viewing sessions.

Have tried the new dictation mode and that works rather well.

It is win win for me, but I guess you can't please everyone.
Stick with my iPad 1 then!
early day sfor the large retina display. once developers have a chance to use it, I'm sure we'll see some get things.
johnnypanic said:
early day sfor the large retina display. once developers have a chance to use it, I'm sure we'll see some get things.

Samsung made the screen and rumour has it that they have saved the better stuff for their next tablet.
Tim Cook said this was the highest resolution noticeable to the human eye, be interested in what they say next...
freefall said:
Samsung made the screen and rumour has it that they have saved the better stuff for their next tablet.

Time will tell if that rumour is true. I doubt it personally. The apple contract for just the screens is worth about $10Bn Samsung doesn't even sell enough tablets to get to that figure in turnover. Also don't forget that apple don't just "component" shop, they provide the design and then get someone else to manufacturer it to their specifications (well for most of it anyway).
Depends on what distance you view it from as to if the resolution of 3 will be better than 2. I chose PlayBook as prefer smaller convenience and the screen resolution is higher than the ipad2. I think ipad has come to an end in terms of industry innovation. Recent announcement by us government that they see no way the ipad os can ever be approved as secure is signal that the bubble and myth that is apple innovated and invented the tablet is about to burst. Great marketing though... Got to hand it to them on that front.
Depends on what distance you view it from as to if the resolution of 3 will be better than 2. I chose PlayBook as prefer smaller convenience and the screen resolution is higher than the ipad2. I think ipad has come to an end in terms of industry innovation. Recent announcement by us government that they see no way the ipad os can ever be approved as secure is signal that the bubble and myth that is apple innovated and invented the tablet is about to burst. Great marketing though... Got to hand it to them on that front.

Errrr, there were tablets pre iPad which never sold. As soon as the iPad was launched all of a sudden tablets are huge. No myth there.

The will be further innovation through time. Not a techie so no real ideas on what they may be but look at how the original iPhone and the 4s has evolved. Apps will do so much more in time.
A little confused why you are features :

High res display
Better Camera
Some apps

It's driving 4x the number of pixels....I would have been absolutely amazed if they could speed it up as well as increase the resolution without affecting size/battery.
Went from a 1 to the new one! Doesn't really feel any different to hold, doesnt really look any different to me. The screen is fabulous though which is what I wanted!
Will be ace for photo reviews etc etc
A little confused why you are features :

High res display
Better Camera
Some apps

It's driving 4x the number of pixels....I would have been absolutely amazed if they could speed it up as well as increase the resolution without affecting size/battery.

If you're buying one for 4G, don't! It's highly likely at the moment that it won't work with UK 4G networks when they go live! :LOL:
Quite the opposite here. The screen alone is worth the entry price. For what we do as photographers its a no-brainer.

For it to be as fast as the 2 with the extra juice it needs is nothing short of impressive.
Playing with a couple of friends 2 and 3s yesterday shows that the screen resolution is a lot better. The low resolution of the iPad and Touchpad screens were always the biggest letdown hardware wise on them so that's certainly a big benefit. However they are still tablets with limited usage IMO. For photo displaying that resolution bump isn't going to be a big improvement (or at least not worth the upgrade from a 2). Unfortunately the Whooping and hollering Apple faithful will still queue round the block to get the latest and greatest.

I think I'll stick with my Air... better to browse the web, better to process images on, better to watch films on. Tho only negative is that it only lasts 5-6 hours instead of 10. On the other hand my parents use their Touchpad all the time for a quick browse when sat in front of the TV, even better that it is always charged because it's sat on the inductive charging touchstone.
I upgrade from a '1' and couldn't be happier with it, noticeably 'zippier' and it's the best screen I've used for photo editing full stop. It highlights the slightest flaws in an image instantly, so from a photography point of view it's certainly been worth it.

Never used a 2 so can't comment (although most commentators/reviewers said not to bother if you already have a 2, so I'm not sure why people are surprised all of a sudden) but from a 1 it's a huge leap in every respect.