New Mac, clean install or migrate

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As my old Mac is 10 years old I’m thinking there is lots of junk on there and rather than migrate from a Time Machine backup I should just set it up clean and copy over photos and docs etc (or can I get them off iCloud?
If I do that what files should I copy over?….or is a migration the easiest option?
As my old Mac is 10 years old I’m thinking there is lots of junk on there and rather than migrate from a Time Machine backup I should just set it up clean and copy over photos and docs etc (or can I get them off iCloud?
If I do that what files should I copy over?….or is a migration the easiest option?

Either with a new Mac, or simply if wishing to rid your Mac of 10 years clutter, or after deciding to upgrade to the latest macOS I always ensure I have an up to date TM backup, and additionally copy off all data files before erasing the SSD/HD. Before erasing your HD check to see if any of your application originally required on-line activation, then play safe by deactivating them so they can be reinstalled. You could also if your old Mac was using an old HD substitute it for a much fast SSD. Unless your macOS is available as an Apple download ensure you make a USB installer before erasing. Then erase and a clean install, setup your Apple ID which brings back bookmarks, address book etc, all that are ticked in your Apple ID preferences, then re setup your IMAP email accounts and copy back the previously copied data files that you wish to keep. Not so straight forward if you are still using POP3 email. Then reinstall your applications and any printer and scanner drivers you need. Then you will have a efficient lean and likely a more snappy system.
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Gone for a clean install and most things seem OK although currently can’t get Amazon Photos to install, although this might be an incompatibility with Ventura
Didn’t think ten-year old Macs were compatible with Ventura?
They aren’t but I don’t understand your statement?
I was responding to your comment regarding Adobe Photos‘ possible incompatibility with Ventura…
I tend to reinstall once a year just as a matter of course. Nearly all of my stuff is in the cloud somewhere, therefore it doesn't take long to pull down. It also makes sure that I force myself to keep backups.

When I get a new device, I also setup as fresh and never migrate. Any settings won't take me long to re-enter and programs will just be installed as needed.
That’s what is on my new Mac
Got it. Didn’t see that you had a new Mac and thought this thread was about refreshing an old one, hence my confusion.
My 2014 runs Ventura perfectly... but only 8 years old lol !