New MacBook Pro's tomorrow?


Apparently they are good in those conditions. :shrug:

No better than any other in those conditions. If anything you'd be "better off" with a tough book in high humidity, albeit pricey. Our work MacBooks don't often survive the plane journey to the far east let alone anything else :D

For info the retina operating specs are up to 35c and 90% humidity. They're definitely not waterproof either :D
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It will all be revealed in a few hours - shall we just wait a bit longer now?

It will be definitely the latest and great apple ever yet :)

P.S. They better get iOS7 back down to earth cutting pointless restrictions if they don't want to see me get a fully customisable open sourced Nexus 10 successor.
It will all be revealed in a few hours - shall we just wait a bit longer now?

It will be definitely the latest and great apple ever yet :)

P.S. They better get iOS7 back down to earth cutting pointless restrictions if they don't want to see me get a fully customisable open sourced Nexus 10 successor.

It's being announced as we speak.

Please don't let it be the id 2011's!

Indeed it is.
Output up to three 4K resolution displays... I wonder if they're going to announce those next.
Well, that was hugely disappointing - even for Apple.

Not if you are in the creative industries (the new MacPro is well overdue) and iOS 7 looks like it might just be enough to keep Apple dominant in the mobile and tablet market.
Really - were you watching the same feed I was ?

What was it you were hoping for that they didn't either show, or improve as you had hoped ?

I don't know, which one were you watching?

A new Macbook Pro would have been nice - it needs an IPS screen at a more widely used resolution.

iOS7 is largely disappointing and doesn't add many worthwhile features over iOS6. The redesign is neither here nor there (although shifting away from skeuomorphism had to be done as it looked dated even before it was first used). As for iRadio, it is not going to convert me over from Spotify.

I'm surprised there is even a market for underpowered, £900 notebooks like the the Air when they have the Macbook Pro and Ipad stradding it - so it's disappointing they focused on improving that.

The Mac Pro is the only decent product to be revealed but that's mainly due to the fact it needed a massive revamp or users would have moved elsewhere. Mavericks looks OK, too.

Not if you are in the creative industries (the new MacPro is well overdue) and iOS 7 looks like it might just be enough to keep Apple dominant in the mobile and tablet market.

Yes, I agree the Mac Pro is a good revamp but it was out of necessity more than anything.
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So... how does that affect my plans for a new Macbook?

Do I NEED one now, no, would I like one, YES. At some point in the next 6 months I really do need to upgrade - more RAM, either bigger HD or maybe an SSD, generally faster and better. What I dont want to do is buy one and 2 months later there is a price reduction, or a better range out... so any ideas when the range will be revamped? Sept? Dec? Mar 14? We all know that Oct = New iPhone, so based on previous changes, when can the macbook be expected?
Pro's will be updated before the iPhone - do not buy right now.

(I work for an Apple reseller - I have no "inside track", but having been in the industry for over a decade, that's my expectation)
Well, that was hugely disappointing - even for Apple.

wwdc is developer event so you shouldn't have expected a big event with lots of new releases.

oooh looks like I can get the ios7 beta on my developer network. I'll play around tomorrow
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wwdc is developer event so you shouldn't have expected a big event with lots of new releases.

oooh looks like I can get the ios7 beta on my developer network. I'll play around tomorrow

Well aware of what it is thanks, Joe. In terms of functionality, ios7 offers very little to write home about.

They removed some ugly textures that should never have been used in the first place. Hardly an upgrade.