new monitor test......

Edit My Images
I use a laptop for editing but am in the process of putting together a desktop for editing. I've bought a 23" ips screen and plugged it into the laptop tonight to see what it was like. I've edited a shot from scratch that I took last week and uploaded it against the same shot edited on my calibrated laptop screen. What I want to know is if the colours look ok on the second pic to all of you.

Laptop edited (calibrated)

New screen (uncalibrated)


To me no, looks dull the calibrated one is a lot better but that's just me
To me the first looks too red and a bit un-natural - but it may be how you wanted it. The second looks too green. There's certainly a hell of a difference.
Hi, As the others have said the first to me looks more natural and more pleasing, that doesn't mean the colour balance is correct but to me it's closer than the second image. I'm not keen on the second colour balance.

It's a bit difficult though to asses the colour balance on this type of shot as there are so many variables in the light source. If possible could you post a shot that is a more known light source such as a shot of an 18% grey card for instance under daylight or diffused electronic flash. This would make it easier to be able to check your colour balance.

Happy to help you further If I can.
Prefer the 1st, but neither are miles out from what you;d expect so unless you knew it wasn't an accurate representation you'd never notice. Try it with something less forgiving like skin tones, the portrait boys will be down on you like a ton of bricks if it's a few degrees away from perfect!