new to photography - Squirrel

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hey everyone, so i got my first camera ever and i took a trip to a local park

the best pic i got was this, C+C please


Nice shot although I would crop in from the bottom right so that the subjects are more on the 3rd and the image has a nice symmetry (which will give the hand a good reason for being there).
welcome to TP Mark.

This is a cracking shot for a first attempt, personally would prefer it without the hand, but thats just me. It does look slightly under exposed from here, but very well done capturing it!(y)

thanks alot, as for the under exposure, thats due to post work, the original is properly exposed
A great shot and another vote for cropping out the hand
I prefer the cropped version- nice shot:clap:

Les (y)
Another vote for cropping out the hand, prefer the colour balance in the original post

Agree. The colours don't look natural in the edit.
Welcome, I prefer the first(y)
If the squirrel was facing towards the camera, I'd agree with those that suggested cropping out the hand. But it's facing slightly away, which weakens the composition a little in the absence of the hand - which is telling the story.

So I prefer the hand. And the colours in the original, as others have said.

If I was going to be exceptionally picky, I'd suggest that the eye isn't quite sharp enough to justify the dominance of the squirrel in the cropped version.

But hey, first camera ever, no one should be that picky :)