Nifty 50mm on tour?

I dont know if I am missing something but I went onto the 50 website and its totally changed and now I can only see one or two pages. Is there now a loggin to see the site or has most the site been taken away?
It wasn't me:thinking:

I'll have a look

OK that seems to have fixed it. It WAS my fault, been playing with the themes :bonk: Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely

Thats better I can see things now :p was also wondering if I am confirmed as having the lens in may for my trip to oz and hong kong?
this is cool!

Want any pictures from around the City (of London) with it? Although I'm rather rubbish :D
Thats better I can see things now :p was also wondering if I am confirmed as having the lens in may for my trip to oz and hong kong?

Yes you are mate.

Also the whole of April is free guys and gals.

OK that seems to have fixed it.

Hmm... not quite

There's no link to the rest of the portraits and the link to more NY pics just shows a blank page. The link to portraits on the galleries page is broken too

Hmm... not quite

There's no link to the rest of the portraits and the link to more NY pics just shows a blank page. The link to portraits on the galleries page is broken too


Ah me and mattyh can see the gallery as its set private - so that confirms that non members can't see it. We are working on it today :)

Right... I've created a single account for flickr, where everyone can put all their photos.

We've only got a free account, so that limits us to three sets :crying:

the user ID is : nifty50ontour
PM me for the password.

I think this will be easier than using FTP (no offence Lee :)) and it might also increase a bit of publicity for the site in general :)
Great I am looking forward to playing with a nifty :woot:
OK, so the Lens is now free.
Next request to send to, otherwise I'll add some local shots

It's going to pearce_jj for 7 days

Dont forget about the offer of a TP gallery!
Right... I've created a single account for flickr, where everyone can put all their photos.

We've only got a free account, so that limits us to three sets :crying:

the user ID is : nifty50ontour
PM me for the password.

I think this will be easier than using FTP (no offence Lee :)) and it might also increase a bit of publicity for the site in general :)

Ok is this what we need to upload photo's?

I feel very embarressed as I forgot about the lens and only remembered to shoot a few shots with it. :shrug: :bang:
I got a few good ones of bikes on the mountain road but it was too scarey doing it with cars as I was crouched in the road.

Good job I shot a few studio pics with it :)
Whatya think...



All cropped...
Liking the bike shots!

The Nikon Fund only requires £5 now guys! Come on......So close but yet so far..
Final Fiver Pledged And Paid
Hello!! just read through this whole thread, it is rather funny what with Matt y being changed to Mary! just wondered if the nifty was available late May? im off to portugal :) dont worry if not, just thought id check! im a canon-er though....also excuse me being stoopid but what is the website for seeing the photos from the tour? lol

and kudos to Matt for coming back after Alfred was a ***! :)
Hello!! just read through this whole thread, it is rather funny what with Matt y being changed to Mary! just wondered if the nifty was available late May? im off to portugal :) dont worry if not, just thought id check! im a canon-er though....also excuse me being stoopid but what is the website for seeing the photos from the tour? lol

and kudos to Matt for coming back after Alfred was a ***! :)

Websites in the first post :D (still being worked on :D)

Also... its not Matt... it's mary, aparantly :cautious:


Blackvaults handling all the bookings, but I'm sure they'll be a space somewhere :D

just wondered if the nifty was available late May? im off to portugal :)

Sorry HanC but I have the lens until May the 25th when I fly back and with it being a bank holiday the next day I think the earliest I can get the lens shipped onto the next person is the 27th of May. When do you fly to Portugal?
Ah dont worry, im in Portugal from May 19th til the 25th! Just thought it would be worth checking :) are u off to anywhere nice?
Don't be silly! Have a great time, sounds like it will be a wicked trip!:D
Link to my Portraits don't work.

Oh and beware the nifty50 curse. You'll end up buying one (I nearly have).
What do we do about uploading pics?
Blimey, all went a bit crazy on here for a while. Read the last few pages, started to make my blood boil a bit... I hate it when people come along and just try and take over something that was working perfectly fine in the first place! Well done for booting his arse off, and thank you Matty/Mary(!?) for the re-takeover!

We'll have out Nikon soon... whoop whoop!
NIKON FUND IS COMPLETE........just finalising payments....


So can we start compiling a list of Nikon people that want it?
Don't be silly! Have a great time, sounds like it will be a wicked trip!:D

Check your pms

Blimey, all went a bit crazy on here for a while. Read the last few pages, started to make my blood boil a bit... I hate it when people come along and just try and take over something that was working perfectly fine in the first place! Well done for booting his arse off, and thank you mary/Mary(!?) for the re-takeover!

We'll have out Nikon soon... whoop whoop!

Added you to the Nikon list :)

Also how much on average is it costs to send the lens? What to know so I can put it into the first post :)

Royal Mail Special Delivery 1pm up to 1Kg with £500 insurance (can't have any less on SD) is £6.

I would have thought that would cover it.
I'd dying to know what happened with Alfred? Can't seem to find the posts on this thead.. By the way I think this is a great idea, can't wait to see the results.
I'd dying to know what happened with Alfred?

Last I heard, he'd been banished. And quite rightly too.

(if that's what you mean :shrug:)

by the way guys, congrats on getting the Nikon lens. Now it's a head to head battle :bat:

you've got some catching up to do though :LOL:
Right dudes. I have kind of ordered with Kerso the Nikon. He doesn't have any stock until next week but then his going to post one straight out to me.

I am gradually receiving all payments, Thankyou!

I'm excited and i'm not even a Nikonian...:D
Also how much on average is it costs to send the lens? What to know so I can put it into the first post :)


I've now boxed the lens, wrapped in bubblewrap, in it's original box, in yet another box with foam cut out around it. I thought it would be a bit more robust.

Postage was £5.25 special delivery
Thanks Byker28i for the price :)

a big thank you to mobile virgin (for the canon nifty), superstat (for sorting the nikon 50mm), matty(for sorting the website) , blackvault (for organising here and i assume coming up with the idea) and kerso (for supplying the lens at a bargain price) and anyone else i forgot to mention (mods for banning alfred?).
I'd like to mirror the above comment as I think this is going to be a great project. Hopefully we can really get it off the ground.


COME ON THE NIFTY FIFTY! (Canon of course):LOL:
Morning Gents

I'll be done with the Canon Nifty today. Who's up for it next, as I think there is still a week or so before it's trip abroad?

Had a walk around London yesterday evening but stumped by a fundamental lack of tallent it would seem :(