Night photos in London

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Had an outing with some members of Brentwood Photographic Club past week to do 'Night Photography' in London -- mostly around Docklands area but we did get as far as Tower of London area before calling it a 'night' as we were frozen ! I used up some fillum in my 2002 Hasselblad 501CM with two A16 back and one A12 back -- I have not got the Fuji Velvia dated 1999 processed yet but I did a 2002 Fuji NPC 160 and a 1978 Pan F and reloaded and just processed a 1993 ORWO NP 22 -- here are some scanned results, all tripod Slik 88 and 'Guessed Exposures' . I did take a Weston Master V but light too low to get a reading !
The O2 arena across River Thames Fuji NPC 160 dated 2002 rated 100 ASA, 80mm f2.8 CFE Planar at f5.6

London Night 01 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Houseboats in a Dock -- NPC 160, 80mm lens at f8 and a 'long time' --
London Night 05 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Some Cranes in a Dock, NPC 160, 80mm lens at f8 and an even 'longer time ' !!

London Night 06 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

From a bridge over the main road, NPC 160, 80mm lens at f4
London Night 07 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

50mm f4 CFi Distagon T* at f5.6, NPC 160

London Night 08 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

One only shown on the 1978 dated Ilford Pan F I processed in 'MK35' Formula Beutler type to control contrast -- came out well !!

London Night 09 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

I may show some results on the 1993 ORWO NP22 later -- it is drying at the moment

Looks like you had fun Pete. Love the last. Followed by 07
They're really good Peter, did you make any allowances for the age of the film?
Thanks -- YES -- I downrate outdated films -- the NPC 160 I rate at 100ASA the Pan F at 25 ASA and the ORWO at 80 ASA if I can get a meter reading which was really impossible so I took the basis as a reading of 0.2 Lumens on the Weston Master and increased for 'Reciprocity Effect' on the film -- I can show a couple from teh 1993 ORWO NP22 now it is dry and I have scanned a couple of negs -- I did the ORWO in Promicrol 1+14 for 9 mins at 20oC.
London Night 10 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
London Night 11 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Thanks -- YES -- I downrate outdated films -- the NPC 160 I rate at 100ASA the Pan F at 25 ASA and the ORWO at 80 ASA if I can get a meter reading which was really impossible so I took the basis as a reading of 0.2 Lumens on the Weston Master and increased for 'Reciprocity Effect' on the film -- I can show a couple from teh 1993 ORWO NP22 now it is dry and I have scanned a couple of negs -- I did the ORWO in Promicrol 1+14 for 9 mins at 20oC.
London Night 10 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
London Night 11 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Interesting, thanks Pete. Those last two are also really good.
They are really nice. The B&W one overlooking the river capture a magic you don't see so often these days.
Those are all really, really good Pete. I particularly like the bridge shot and the Pan F ones, really excellent work my friend.

Something I need to get to grips with, longer exposures in these sort of surroundings. I may try an organise a bit of a Manchester night meet....
Last time I was in Manchester was when I was evacuated to ROCHDALE, Delemere Road in 1941 to escape the London 'Blitz' - I was taken on a bus ride to Manchester -- I remember one of the London Kids was SICK ----
Manchester can have that effect on some folk, I'm used to it now and only feel a little queasy for the first hour or so. :D