Night time, Disused tin mine, nr Marazion,Cornwall

Thank you Steven and Andy for your very kind comments.
I'll have to have a go at a crop and see what it like.
Much appreciated.
Really like the first shot but the halo effect around the building ruins it for me, which is a huge shame.

Could this be removed in PP perhaps?
Thank you Karl, Yes it's easy to remove the halo in pp. But like everything individuals will like or dislike different things. I don't see it as a huge shame that you don't like the halo. it's just you like different things to me.
I wouldn't remove it as I like it and for me iT adds to a feel that i get from it. Some people will like a different crop, less or more grain, Stationary stars, a dreamy effect. etc etc. Thats all great as were not all the same.
Thank you for your opinion as it is always interesting to get a snap shot of what different people feel about something. I don't take myself or my pictures at all seriously.
Happy shooting.
I think its all been said, but lovely set! I cant belive there is no PP on these, the sky colours are amazing....I want to move!
Thank you David, John and missemanuel.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Thanks Paul, looks nice, too expensive for meee, Ill be tempted to go and try one out though. 200 lum sounds good.but battery lifes important. Ill look into it.