Nik software suite and onOne PS7.5. Is it worth having both?

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There's a lot of plug-in activity out there with Google selling the Nik suite cheap and onOne just about to release v7.5 of it's Perfect Photo suite, there's even a cut price deal from onOne if you already have Nik. So, I have the Nik suite and am wondering if it's worth getting the onOne suite, are there any advantages to having both or is it just more of the same?
I've got both and I think if push come to shove and I had to pick I'd go for the Nik Suite.
There are Tutorials for both on You Tube. Have a look, then decide.
I use OnOne's Perfect Effects 4 but have only tried Nik's Color Efex Pro 4 briefly to try it out. Not only does Perfect Effects have over 400 presets, it also has an Effect Options selector at the bottom right that you can use to generate many, many more effects. It also comes with Perfect Layers thrown in which gives you the ability to do composites, amongst other things.

I use very few presets but use the Effect Options on many of my photos, especially where the effect is either better than Lightroom's version or is simply missing from Lightroom.
As Garry above I use OnOne's Perfect Effects 4 but also have the NIK collection, for the price you pay for the collection even if it never gets upgraded I felt it was worth the money.