Nikkor 50mm F1.8?

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With Christmas not too far off now, was thinking of trying to get the 50mm f1.8 from the US (as my dad is going there conveniently before christmas :p )

The one question I have - is it worth getting with a D40? Will manual focus be annoying? Will they be releasing an af-s version of the f1.8 and should I wait for that?


This may or may not help... but I had a D40X and upgraded to the D200 mainly because of the focussing issues with the D40. I hate paying a premium for a lens with a small market (so it's more expensive) and the weight issue (the built in focus lenses are heavier).

Good nick D200s are going for just over £400 now. Maybe worth an upgrade? Esp. since a 50mm f1.4 has just gone for £120 - you'd have saved £150 already over that one at whe.
Personally I don't mind manual focus at all.

Actually about 50% of my lenses (mostly primes) are manual focus on my D60.

Its quite hard to manually focus one of these wide open though, the depth of field is tiny, and the small viewfinders don't help!
If you don't use the 50mm 1.8 wide open, you will get pics equal to or better than the 50mm 1.4 for a LOT less money! (I bought one a few days ago) ;)
Don't you wish we still got split prisms in the lenses?

Ah, those was the days.
I have a D40x with the 50mm f1.8 and personally prefer it on a good camera body which can autofocus it.