Nikon 1 AW1 - 'All Weather' CSC!

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Nikon 1 AW1 - An All Weather CSC! Waterproof (to 15m), shockproof etc. With its own lens lineup (OK so there's only two so far, but still...). Looks like a pretty useful holiday snapper!
Yeah I had that email today. Interesting combo I thought.
Could be tempting - at the right price! I think all 1 series lenses will fit and work fully on the body but only the 2 listed in the e-mail will confer full waterproofing. There's an adaptor to allow F-mount lenses to be used too with AF-S lenses keeping AF.
Could be tempting - at the right price!

Launch price on WEX - £949 for the two lens kit or £749 with just the zoom.

When the price comes down I could be tempted to add it to my V2 kit. Would be great on holiday not having to worry about dropping it in the pool!
I wonder how long it will be before someone tries to change a lens underwater!
£500 with the zoom is my idea of the right price!!!
Apart from the hefty price tag that looks mighty tempting!
Launch price on WEX - £949 for the two lens kit or £749 with just the zoom.

When the price comes down I could be tempted to add it to my V2 kit. Would be great on holiday not having to worry about dropping it in the pool!

I did like it but that price is stupendous!
Amazon this morning £786.37! for the two lens kit.
Says delivery in 1 to 3 months tho?
£600 on amazon for the body and 11-27.5 is very tempting, I don't have a weatherproof camera, and this seems a big step ahead from the various compacts that don't even shoot raw.

Thats my christmas present to myself sorted, i've just ordered the zoom kit in black :)
Anyone got one yet?

Looking for a decent waterproof camera to take kayaking, snorkelling, etc. and this looks pretty good...

Anyone with the J3 already, can you comment on whether you think a 10mm f/2.8 is necessary? I'm thinking it may be of use underwater but it's a lot extra for a lens on a camera that won't be used a huge amount.
Just waiting for it to arrive at my local dealer. I've already got the adaptor so I can use my f mount lenses on it. I'll be getting the 2 lens kit - the prime mainly for underwater (although it'll also be handy for low light) and the zoom for most other stuff, especially when the weather's less than good! Looking forward to seeing the results the 70-300 VR gives on it with the 2.8(?)x crop factor.
Only issue is you can pick up a Canon G15 with an underwater housing for less than £500. I'm sure the Nikon is a good camera but a dedicated underwater housing will be far better underwater.
But what is the image quality like compared to the AW-1? I'm under the impression that the G15 is good but not that good compared to something like the 1 series? There's also the extra bulk of a housing (and hassle that goes with it - changing batteries etc) that will be a pain for any use above water (for example my examples of kayaking, snorkelling, walking in rivers/caving and others such as playing in the surf and on a boat).

It's something I'm going to look into in the next couple of days as it does appear it would be cheaper to buy either something like the G15 or a used EP-1 and housing.
We took a G15 away on holiday and it was great. Compared well to my wife's J1.

I would think of the AW-1 as more waterproof rather in for use in water. Bigger housing and therefore bigger buttons actually make the camera easier to handle when underwater so the G15 has an advantage there.
Apparently the AW-1 has a tilt sensor so no need for too many button presses, when I've had a play, I'll report more fully.
We took a G15 away on holiday and it was great. Compared well to my wife's J1.

I would think of the AW-1 as more waterproof rather in for use in water. Bigger housing and therefore bigger buttons actually make the camera easier to handle when underwater so the G15 has an advantage there.
As a diving camera is agree with you to an extent, even the frothing would become a problem (15m), however for snorkelling and those times where you you don't intend it to get it submerged but it may happen this should be far better than a waterproof housing.

Snorkelling is generally pottering around in the shallows, where a housing will be annoying, and kayaking would be a right pain with a massive housing making things more awkward than they should, on the off chance you fall in with it. At the moment the only other options are the basic point and shoot tough cameras, this seems like it'll be a lot better!

Anyway, I have a few weeks before I need to buy something so hopefully someone will have tested if properly before then!
About to get on the Sea Plane and journey back from the Maldives having used the AW1.
First thing to say is I had a leak in the battery department! The camera stopped working having told me it was overheating. I have three SD cards worth of pics to go through and will report more fully afterwards but the leak aside I have to say for underwater photography it was excellent and elsewhere more than adequate. I have some nice video too. Overall for the price I would say I was pleased, subject of course to Nikon agreeing that the leak was a fault. I followed all the protocols, ie. rinsing thoroughly and drying before opening the battery cover and used it for about 45 to 50 minutes at a time although not immersed all that time. Maybe daily sea use for 10 days was too much? Should not have been.
A leak doesn't sound great! Has it destroyed the card (can't get images off it?) or the camera? Could you use the camera after the leak or was that it for using it?
A leak doesn't sound great! Has it destroyed the card (can't get images off it?) or the camera? Could you use the camera after the leak or was that it for using it?

I dried it out and you can see the battery contacts in the camera are corroded but the contacts on the battery itself are now no good. It may work with another battery, I have yet to try.
I have contacted Jessops who will send it to a repairer to assess if its a fault. (I think it is) in which case they will replace it. I noticed the camera was suffering, what I thought was, excessive condensation issues on the front of the lens and on the display. I don't know if it was condensation that got into the battery compartment or a leak. I hope it will be resolved because as a holiday camera and specifically for underwater it was very good. When I get my pictures downloaded I will post some.
Hmmmm... A leak doesn't sound good! Hopefully Nikon will be more understanding/compassionate than Olympus were when my old Mju 770 SW died. "Out of warranty, tough ladybumps!" effectively was their attitude. What was the battery life like, Simon? How many shots did you get between charges? Did the charge suddenly plummet or was there a decent amount of warning that it was about to run out?
Most importantly, I hope the failure didn't spoil the holiday and that you had a great time!
Anyone got one yet?

Looking for a decent waterproof camera to take kayaking, snorkelling, etc. and this looks pretty good...

Anyone with the J3 already, can you comment on whether you think a 10mm f/2.8 is necessary? I'm thinking it may be of use underwater but it's a lot extra for a lens on a camera that won't be used a huge amount.

Btw. I don't think the 10mm 2.8 is a must, the kit lens seemed fast enough especially in the water. I would have had one as a two lens kit when amazon first advertised. As they didn't get them in in time for my holiday I had to go elsewhere and Jessops were the first to have them available to ship. I got mine the day before I flew with just the one lens. Not really long enough but then it is compatible with other Nkon 1 lenses so I may get another later, it is just a bit of a faff as you have to use a supplied ring to place over the waterpfoof 'O' ring before attaching a non waterproofed lens and afterwards. Make sure it is clean etc.
Most importantly, I hope the failure didn't spoil the holiday and that you had a great time!
Marvellous thanks, wonderful snorkelling and I hope to post the proof when I get home. Currently waiting for flight from Sri Lanka, I would take a photo but I can't.
Hmmmm... A leak doesn't sound good! Hopefully Nikon will be more understanding/compassionate than Olympus were when my old Mju 770 SW died. "Out of warranty, tough ladybumps!" effectively was their attitude. What was the battery life like, Simon? How many shots did you get between charges? Did the charge suddenly plummet or was there a decent amount of warning that it was about to run out?
Battery life not brilliant. Little warning of battery death. I had to have the display on high contrast and v bright to be able to see it in the water. That was the biggest issue, being able to see the screen to line up shots. Depended very much on the conditions over head oh and the snorkel mask. Battery life is an issue but then I would usually have more than one and not too long to charge. Flat to full 2 hours.
Thanks for the answers. At a rough guess, how many pics per charge do you reckon? Enough for a day on the beach with a couple of hours of snorkelling?
For some reason I read that as leaking in the card area.... :eek:
Fist impressions don't look good for it over a dedicated housing and a m4/3 for example, which is a real shame! Poor battery, leaking compartments and impossible to see the screen...

Hope you got some good photos though and they repair it under warranty!:)
About to get on the Sea Plane and journey back from the Maldives having used the AW1.
First thing to say is I had a leak in the battery department! The camera stopped working having told me it was overheating. I have three SD cards worth of pics to go through and will report more fully afterwards but the leak aside I have to say for underwater photography it was excellent and elsewhere more than adequate. I have some nice video too. Overall for the price I would say I was pleased, subject of course to Nikon agreeing that the leak was a fault. I followed all the protocols, ie. rinsing thoroughly and drying before opening the battery cover and used it for about 45 to 50 minutes at a time although not immersed all that time. Maybe daily sea use for 10 days was too much? Should not have been.

Im very interested to see if the camera survived and if your pictures are ok. Im off to Reethi in Jan/Feb and this is the camera that Im most interested in but am holding off till the last minute to see what the real world reviews are like.
Im very interested to see if the camera survived and if your pictures are ok. Im off to Reethi in Jan/Feb and this is the camera that Im most interested in but am holding off till the last minute to see what the real world reviews are like.
Hi Lala, still getting around to sorting the pictures but I have to say initial thoughts are, very pleased with them! I will post some soon.

For some reason I read that as leaking in the card area.... :eek:
Fist impressions don't look good for it over a dedicated housing and a m4/3 for example, which is a real shame! Poor battery, leaking compartments and impossible to see the screen...

Hope you got some good photos though and they repair it under warranty!:)

Amp. It wasn't impossible to see the screen but was pretty difficult. Using spot focus was preferable but more difficult but i hope to show I could do it. Obviously the quality of the mask etc made a difference too. I looked for ages at other alternatives and a M4/3 and housing would have been my choice except that it was going to be more than double the price. I have no experience of that format with a housing so don't know if that
is easier or better to see under water or not. Still waiting to see what Jessops say but I cannot see why they wouldn't replace it.
Thanks for the answers. At a rough guess, how many pics per charge do you reckon? Enough for a day on the beach with a couple of hours of snorkelling?
I think I got more than 200 per charge but I wouldn't have a day at the beach without a second battery and then the camera has to be rinsed and bone dry before you open the battery compartment.
The battery life is ok for the snorkelling session (bear in mind they advise no more than 60 ins continuous immersion) but wouldn't last a day I don't think.
Thanks Simon. I've just bought a non AW 1 series body so the above water side is covered now - 200 shots should be enough for me for a full day.
Went in to ask about a possible delivery date on the AW on Tuesday and the chap phoned Nikon to check. "Mid December. Maybe."... Had a call from him yesterday afternoon to tell me it's in the shop! Not going to town until tomorrow but looking forward to a play when I get it home! Will phone him and ask him to stick the battery on charge for me.
With regards to the battery life amazon have third party batteries for it for £7. Not sure how good they are but I'm planning on buying about 4-5 and taking them with me. Reasonably cheap and small.
Well, since the AW isn't going to be the only camera I take on holiday, I'll keep it for beach use and use others for the dry. Once I've taken the battery through a few cycles, I'll have a better idea as to he number of shots it'll take on a charge but I'm pretty sure it'll be plenty for a snorkelling session or 2.

Only had a quick play with it so far, just to make sure it all works! Guessing that the GPS won't do battery life any favours so must remember to turn it off.
I'll be using it for about 8 days as a general camera during the day, without any means of charging it which is why I'll get a lot of batteries.
I can see that you'll need them!