Nikon D300s black lines in live view

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Hi all,

I'm currenty in Austria and decided to take my camera with me as I havent had a problem with previous cameras and wasnt aware of any dangers of traveling.

When leaving the UK my bag sat in the xray scanner for about a minute (probably because I had packed so much in there) and when I used live view in my room yesterday there are black lines that travel up the screen. They are more obvious when the camera is pointed towards a light source and they are just black horizontal lines which move up the screen.

Still images are not affected but these lines show up on videos, I never had this problem before I left and I look after my kit well. The only thing out of the normal routine was the airport xray scanner but I dont want to jump to conclusions.

The camera is under 1 year old from Jessops. It doesn't look like travel insurance would cover much so would it be worth taking it back to Jessops when I get home and having it sent off, or does anyone know what might be the cause.

Finally, on the return from Austria is it worth asking for a manua search, or is it not an option anymore and a waste of time.

Thanks in advance, sorry if I dont reply for a long time, only got the computer for an hour today and its booked out rest of the week.
This could be hertz cycling from artificial lighting depending on the shutter speed used and the hertz cycle in Aus . Do you get the same horizontal banding under natural light?
Change the shutter speed under artificial light and depending on the hertz cycle you should be able to cancel the effect out.
This could be hertz cycling from artificial lighting depending on the shutter speed used and the hertz cycle in Aus . Do you get the same horizontal banding under natural light?
Change the shutter speed under artificial light and depending on the hertz cycle you should be able to cancel the effect out.

I dont seem to have the same problem in natural light so it could well be the artifical lighting. Thanks! Changing the shutter speed appears to have little effect inside.

Is it a fault or just a common problem?