Nikon D40 upgrade thread.........again

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I currently have a Nikon D40, with the kit 18-55mm lens and a Sigma 70-300mm lens.

Now I got it about 6 years ago and it's done me well. I just feel now though that it's holding me back slightly and that it's not giving me what I want.

I can't seem to get the pictures looking as sharp as they first did all them years ago. But also I feel I am a bit limited with it's features as I like to do long exposures and the iso is shocking on it and very noisy of late.

Now I know a few bits of the basics but I wouldn't say I am a good photographer so most will probs say stick with what you have and master it. I just feel like an upgrade would get me out there more and help me achieve what I'm after, new start and all that.

I don't know much about what's out there at the minute but I was considering a Nikon D3200, but then the more I looked into it I thought about a D5200 or do I stretch a little more and get a good secondhand D7100?

Also I was thinking of getting a 35mm f1.8 and then maybe saving for a 12-24mm.

Most of the photographer I do is either transport, landscapes, or arcitecture and a lot of night stuff.

Also if I was to go secondhand what shutter count would be classed as acceptable?

A D5100 or a D7000 both would be a good or even great upgrades and can be had at good prices new or SH, Really I would not get yourself confused in looking at the others you name, You won't get a SH D7100 with any great saving

Shutter count well. most are good for anything from 100k upwards but maybe look for under 20k
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Just don't do what I did and end up with a canon 5d3 kit :confused:

My sensible money would go on a d7100, looking at the pictures they looked very against both the d600 and 6d.
I'm biased! :p Love my D90, a huge improvement on my D40 and very reasonably priced too! could get a 1.8 50mm lens too within your budget too if you're lucky!:D
Beware, that some of the suggestions are gigantic bodies, bricks!, when you come from the little, cutie!

My friend upgraded his D40 to D5100. Thought long about D5200, but went with D5100 because of a big rebate.
Couldn't be happier, and 16MP is more than he needs.
I was in this exact same place about 3 months ago... Loved my D40 but felt it was time to move on. I opted for a 7100 in the end and have to say the difference is considerable in terms of image quality and features. The technology in DSLRs has moved on vastly since the D40 was designed and you will see real improvements. Also, things like live view can really improve matters once you understand how best to use them.

In terms of size - yes the D40 is cute but it's hardly a pocket camera! I soon got used to the D7100. It is incredibly well balanced and just feels 'right' in my hands. As I understand it the D7000 is very similar to the 7100 and there are some great bargains to be had.

I'd go for it, I doubt you will ever regret it.
As you should always do, go to a camera shop and try them hands on
Thanks for the advice, glad to see I'm not the only one upgrading the D40. I thought they'd of all gone now.

Looking at specs it's amazing how much DSLR's have come. I know obviously the D40 was the entry entry model but still.

Think I will weigh up a few then go have a play in a camera shop see which one feels right. I'll let yous know the outcome in a few weeks when I save enough pennies.
Btw. my friend's old D40 was given to a young musician. He absolutely loves it! and says, it's perfect for his "style"!

You know, blurred, out-of-focus, weird coloured things from odd angles and tilted horizons...