Nikon D750 & D780

We use have a cat like that I like tabby cats
Oh didn't realise they didn't have them that strange
G7x doesn't either. The only truly pocketable one that does is the RX100 M3/4. The G5x does, and the Tz100 does but neither are truly pocketable.
Ah yup it the g5x I was thinking of the had viewfinder. Well like you say not as pocketable.
Ah yup it the g5x I was thinking of the had viewfinder. Well like you say not as pocketable.
Nope. TBH if the shot to shot time was better I'd have probably pulled the trigger on a grey one, but I think it might annoy me :oops: :$ Will see how I get on with the G7x and then may consider an upgrade to one if the shot to shot time is actually not as irritating as I think if the DL24-85mm doesn't deliver/doesn't reduce in price enough. Getting a used G7x I shouldn't use much when I sell it.
Not experienced the issue even though it says my serial is affected, and to be honest, not sure I trust sending my camera to them.

Had issues with my last D750 which Nikon tried to fix 3 times, failing miserably and taking weeks too. Terrible customer service - updates on the fix time were always way out, and on the third time they even shipped the camera to the wrong address. Ended up going back to the retailer (Panamoz) and getting a new D750.

Not only that, but months later the service centre shipped me another customers D600 for some unknown reason!

Doesn't fill me with confidence in having to deal with them again, particularly if I'm not experiencing the issue with my camera. As it is a recall I guess it could be sent in at any point in the future, if need be.
So what is exactly the latest recall for and has anyone actually experienced it? Can't say that I have and I won't be sending mine away for something that has never caused me any problem. Just wondered what is "supposed" to be wrong this time.
So what is exactly the latest recall for and has anyone actually experienced it? Can't say that I have and I won't be sending mine away for something that has never caused me any problem. Just wondered what is "supposed" to be wrong this time.
I'm still yet to get a definitive answer tbh. The site stated the flare issue but the link to Nikon site states shutter shading.
According to Nikon's site mine is affected by the latest issue but not by the first 2 recalls, having never had any problems in the past I can't say that I'm concerned about it really.
I think the problem is the same, just its on more models than they thought. I sent mine in for the flare issue just for future resale tbh, not experienced it myself. As for the shutter issue I'm waiting until after April as I need it for a few occasions. Again not seen the issue, but will have well over 30k actuations so not going to complain about getting a new shutter ;)
I'm still yet to get a definitive answer tbh. The site stated the flare issue but the link to Nikon site states shutter shading.
The flare and shutter shading are two separate issues & my D750 is covered by both recalls. I returned my D750 in January 2015 for the flare repair which was done quickly & my camera came back in perfect order, in fact I think the AF was improved post repair. I am trying to decide if/when to send it away again. Nikon have told me I can request the repair anytime to suit me. I understand there is a backlog of repairs at present.
It's shutter shading when using HSS flash apparently!
Same as if you exceed the shutter sync speed when using flash normally!
That's why not not many have witnessed the issue and its not every camera as some who are on the recall have tested HSS flash and not witnessed any problems!
I'm going to test mine when I get chance to see if I can make the problem happen.
Not particularly worried as I don't think I've ever shot HSS flash.
The flare and shutter shading are two separate issues & my D750 is covered by both recalls.
That was my point, the site didn't make it clear which of the two issues the third recall was in reference to.

I returned my D750 in January 2015 for the flare repair which was done quickly

I am trying to decide if/when to send it away again. Nikon have told me I can request the repair anytime to suit me. I understand there is a backlog of repairs at present.
Handy to know, cheers (y)

It's shutter shading when using HSS flash apparently!
Same as if you exceed the shutter sync speed when using flash normally!
That's why not not many have witnessed the issue and its not every camera as some who are on the recall have tested HSS flash and not witnessed any problems!
I'm going to test mine when I get chance to see if I can make the problem happen.
Not particularly worried as I don't think I've ever shot HSS flash.
I've used HSS quite a bit and never seen an issue.
That was my point, the site didn't make it clear which of the two issues the third recall was in reference to.
This link below explains ......

It seems the latest service advisory is an extension of the one from July 2015; NIKON have found more affected cameras and are extending the range of build dates.
The original notice applied to cameras made between Oct & Nov 2014, the latest notice extends this to include those cameras also made between Dec 2014 to June 2015
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I currently shoot a d810 but really fancy a 750 as my second camera for weddings etc. Good news - ive pretty much convinced my housemate to buy one for himself. He's into photography and wants to make the leap from the entry level canon he's got up to something nicer. He's got a fair bit of disposable cash at the moment so i reckon he's going to get one.

Then i can have a play with it and will almost certainly love it enough to get myself one as well!! :D :D
My eldest is 38 today, that makes me feel old :(

:LOL: . We all will be there at some time. I already feel bit old when my daughter teaches me new stuff she is learning.
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Growing older is better than the alternative too. The trouble is, time passes more quickly the older I get!

Having grown up children has advantages too, one of them being my adorable 3 year old granddaughter...... trouble is she doesn't like me pointing my D750 at her!
She has already mastered smartphone & tablet technology & can operate a smart TV better than both her grandmothers!
Doesn't look like a GSD to me...
My knowledge of dogs is zero. What is it then? The guy who was with me said it is GSD and I believed him. :eek:
Perhaps it's a cross with one? Collie/GSD cross maybe?

Imagine peoples reactions if they googled D750 and found this thread. Some of the stuff we end up talking about is ridiculous. :LOL:
Officially, the largest thread in Talk Equipment now