Nikon D7xxx owners thread

Charlatan said:
Well after a day of fighting with Jessops I am still not the proud owner of a D7000.

They have the online price of £794.40 and the option to reserve to collect at store. Unfortunately the website does not know my local store has stock and wouldn't allow me to do it online. I called the store and got a guy who was useless and said he couldn't do anything about it, seemed like it was too much for him to be bothered with(I recognised his voice and he is as unhelpful in person). I called head office and got kept on hold for an age while they contacted the store to check stock levels (which I had done 10 minutes previous). I was then promised a call back once she had spoke with the manager within 10-15 minutes. Its now over five hours later and not heard a peep.

They are advertising something they cannot (will not?) fulfil. The is by far not the first time I have had an issue with Jessops. I am trying to support the only local camera shop as it is all we have here but every time I try they throw it back in my face.

I should of saved myself the wasted money on premium phone numbers and just ordered elsewhere for a cheaper price.


Sorry to hear about your bad day.. All I can say is stock is very limited at the moment and hardly any stores have stock. My suggestion would be to call customer services and get them to check the stores for you. You may get lucky and get somewhere.
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Sorry to hear about your bad day.. All I can say is stock is very limited at the moment and hardly any stores have stock. My suggestion would be to call customer services and get them to check the stores for you. You may get lucky and get somewhere.

Oh no, they DO have stock in Dundee (local store). They just want £995 or something for it instore not the online price. Essentially they are offering something they will not honour. Instore say they have no power to change it, head office said the same. If I dont get a call tomorrow a mighty strong worded letter will be sent. :bat:
Charlatan said:
Oh no, they DO have stock in Dundee (local store). They just want £995 or something for it instore not the online price. Essentially they are offering something they will not honour. Instore say they have no power to change it, head office said the same. If I dont get a call tomorrow a mighty strong worded letter will be sent. :bat:

Oh sorry, misread it :) yeah that is wrong, hope you get it sorted.
Can anybody offer me any advice.

I'm looking to carry out some long exposure shots at the weekend and have got myself a ML-L3 infra red remote for this purpose.

I have been familiarizing myself with the remote and have set the remote release to mirror lock up mode on the in camera menu for the obvious reasons. This was fine for exposures < 30sec (1 x press for MUP, 2nd press to take the exposure)

The problem I am having is when I try long exposures in Bulb Mode or rather "_ _" mode as it is when on remote release.

I press the remote to lift the shutter then press again to start the exposure, time the exposure and press a third time to close the shutter. It is after the 3rd press nothing seems to happen, can anybody advise weather this is correct or am I doing something wrong? (I am aware that there is some long exposure noise reduction going on as I have also set this to on)

I know the remote and camera have the ability to combine MUP and Bulb as I have managed to take some exposures in this mode >30 seconds but it is hit and miss, I am sure I'm doing something wrong

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

russmyers93 said:
I'm happy to say I'm now a proud new owner of a d7000. Moved from the d80. Haven't really had much of a change to play due to work.. Day off tomorrow so let the good times begin :)

Be interested to hear your thoughts I have a D80 and would be interested in upgrading or having a second body
Oh no, they DO have stock in Dundee (local store). They just want £995 or something for it instore not the online price. Essentially they are offering something they will not honour. Instore say they have no power to change it, head office said the same. If I dont get a call tomorrow a mighty strong worded letter will be sent. :bat:

Just checked online and can pick up from any store in my area in next few days( North Wales) guess supply is from a different distribution centre?

Always thought if no stock in selected store they would get one in, when I have ordered in past sometimes would be given a pick up time of a few days before available.

If you are able to order for store pick up don`t forget the quidco, at 6% ATM = £39 odd.
Just checked online and can pick up from any store in my area in next few days( North Wales) guess supply is from a different distribution centre?

Always thought if no stock in selected store they would get one in, when I have ordered in past sometimes would be given a pick up time of a few days before available.

If you are able to order for store pick up don`t forget the quidco, at 6% ATM = £39 odd.

Its a part of the reason I wanted to order it online is for the Quidco. The distribution centre shouldnt factor into the scenario though. The store has (did earlier anyway) stock. If I walked in off of the street and paid the £1000 or whatever it was I could of walked away with it. It is the same stock they are saying they do not have online therefore I cannot buy at the discounted price.

I could have been clearer in my description earlier so I will apologise for that. I was just venting. :D

I will pursue it further tomorrow but yet again I am disappointed by Jessops before I have even made the purchase. My only alternative is Jacobs 70 miles away and its a wonder why I tend to buy online now? :LOL:
JohnF said:
Be interested to hear your thoughts I have a D80 and would be interested in upgrading or having a second body

Okay well as soon as I get a chance to have a proper play and go out and take some pics with it I'll let you know :) busy with work at the moment. From what I've tried so far its different class in low light.
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I'm beginning to think I'll be getting one after xmas now - don't want to spend over £800 now after I've seen them just below that for a few weeks!
I'm beginning to think I'll be getting one after xmas now - don't want to spend over £800 now after I've seen them just below that for a few weeks!

They're probably only putting the price up so that they can cut it back to what it was yesterday in the sale.

Definitely worth waiting now.
I think that with the current situation in Thailand the price will only go one way for the time being anyway. Especially as retailers will try to make the most of the problems getting stock, I noticed that WEX didn't waste anytime putting their prices.
Dixon's had them for £794 yesterday and today they've vanished from the website.

I got lucky and have one making it's way to me as a 'Christmas gift' to myself. Can't wait to see how different it is from my D60. :) And with that I'm off to read this thread from the start to find any helpful tips.
The bulb in the built-in flash of my D7000 appears to have snapped off at one end after knocking it off a table, anybody any idea how much it would cost to repair?
I'm glad I got mine when I did! Was £980 with kit lens.

Anyway, does anyone know if the basic Nikon ML-L3 remote will work with the D7000?
Northstander said:
I'm glad I got mine when I did! Was £980 with kit lens.

Anyway, does anyone know if the basic Nikon ML-L3 remote will work with the D7000?

Yes it does :)
cotty332000 said:
The D7000 had receivers front and rear for the ML3.

Plus, you can set it to trigger straight away, after a short (2 seconds) delay, or locking the mirror-up before releasing the shutter...
Wandering around Best Buy this morning I noticed they have D7k's at £817 instore. Just checked online and it's the same price. That's cheaper than a grey import through Hdew:clap:

Just in case anyone here is still looking for one.
Well prices have now rocketed up. Jessops and Jacobs up £200 in four days.

Im still fighting with Jessops who refuse to get in contact with me (four failed calls that they promised me) about the £749. I doubt I will get anywhere but all it will do is cement my refusal to use them any longer. Im shocked by their customer service both in-store and on the phone. Never have I used a company so unwilling to assist and help its customers.

Very disappointed.
Well prices have now rocketed up. Jessops and Jacobs up £200 in four days.

Im still fighting with Jessops who refuse to get in contact with me (four failed calls that they promised me) about the £749. I doubt I will get anywhere but all it will do is cement my refusal to use them any longer. Im shocked by their customer service both in-store and on the phone. Never have I used a company so unwilling to assist and help its customers.

Very disappointed.

I agree!
I reserved a D7000 twice for store pick up as they said they had stock!
When i went to the store to collect the only stock they had was the demo one!:bonk:
Eventually got mine from Jacobs.
Lot of people in this thread talking about how they feel let down by Jessops being unable to match the online price or the reserve in store price.

I had a bit of a chat with the girl in Jessops when i was in collecting mine, i reserved online and had to travel a fair bit to find a store with stock. My local store had one boxed but I was unable to reserve online at the collect in store price.

From what the girl said items are only allowed to be reserved at the online reservation price if the store has a minimum of 2 units or more boxed stock. Due to the popularity of the pricing stock is limited due to demand. It is quite conceivable that a store would have boxed stock of say 1 unit but be unable to sell at the collect at store price as an online reservation can not be completed.

it is also quite conceivable that in between you making a reservation and them picking it in store that the item may be sold. Wait until they confirm your reservation before wasting your time going to collect it.
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I must also say I have nothing but praise for my local Jessops (Ipswich) where I was able to reserve online and then collect in store. Although that was early October before the stock shortages hit.

I also had a small problem with the kit lens and that was changed for another with no problems.

I really do hope that all those here having problems getting hold of a D7000 are able too soon.

PS...Just checked Jessops website and it's gone up £150 since I got mine! :eek:
Lot of people in this thread talking about how they feel let down by Jessops being unable to match the online price or the reserve in store price.

I had a bit of a chat with the girl in Jessops when i was in collecting mine, i reserved online and had to travel a fair bit to find a store with stock. My local store had one boxed but I was unable to reserve online at the collect in store price.

From what the girl said items are only allowed to be reserved at the online reservation price if the store has a minimum of 2 units or more boxed stock. Due to the popularity of the pricing stock is limited due to demand. It is quite conceivable that a store would have boxed stock of say 1 unit but be unable to sell at the collect at store price as an online reservation can not be completed.

it is also quite conceivable that in between you making a reservation and them picking it in store that the item may be sold. Wait until they confirm your reservation before wasting your time going to collect it.

While this may be true for bodies, I reserved and collected a Metz flash today and it was the only one they had. All went through swimmingly and received my text to tell me that it was ready within 5 minutes of placing the reservation.
Wandering around Best Buy this morning I noticed they have D7k's at £817 instore. Just checked online and it's the same price. That's cheaper than a grey import through Hdew:clap:

Just in case anyone here is still looking for one.

Got my D7000 from Best Buy last week, so stoked with the price! There was about 3 left at Derby last week if anyone's on the look out, now high street prices are up to like £950!
Mine I ordered online from Jessops on thursday with next day delivery has not arrived and the account says 'on backorder' :(
nookie, send a snotty email about that i reckon, at the least you want the delivery charge back!
I will if I don't see it soon Andy, though I can't open it until xmas day anyway! Delivery was free :)
Nookie said:
I will if I don't see it soon Andy, though I can't open it until xmas day anyway! Delivery was free :)

I couldn't do that! Your a very controlled person :D
ahhhhh so maybe doesn't sound too bad, i know at work if we get things even 5 minutes late on a pre-noon delivery we get the charge back etc. But if its free you haven't got much of a leg to stand on! I'm not sure i could wait til Christmas day for it, in an oddly timed decision i decided last christmas day it was the camera for me but had to wait til the 27th before i could go and buy it! quite frankly that was too long!
andy1868 said:
ahhhhh so maybe doesn't sound too bad, i know at work if we get things even 5 minutes late on a pre-noon delivery we get the charge back etc. But if its free you haven't got much of a leg to stand on! I'm not sure i could wait til Christmas day for it, in an oddly timed decision i decided last christmas day it was the camera for me but had to wait til the 27th before i could go and buy it! quite frankly that was too long!

I know exactly what you mean... If I want something, I want it yesterday, need it sooner, and certainly can't usually be bothered waiting for something like Xmas...! Besides, it makes it fun watching others scrabble around trying to work out what to get you! ;)

Amazon dropped their price to £808.80

After the frankly awful service I received both instore and over the phone with Jessops, paying that little bit more to buy from a company I have had nothing but good experiences with is fine with me. It was £749 in Jessops when I tried to get it as above but the prices everywhere have been rising I can only assume due to the diminishing stock levels.

Im not going to get much of a chance to play with it in the near future but I am glad I have eventually joined the club. Oh how I have longed for usable high ISO :LOL:

I perhaps didnt need to add the two new lenses, extra battery, another bag and a book into the order aswell though... :bonk:
Charlatan said:

Amazon dropped their price to £808.80

After the frankly awful service I received both instore and over the phone with Jessops, paying that little bit more to buy from a company I have had nothing but good experiences with is fine with me. It was £749 in Jessops when I tried to get it as above but the prices everywhere have been rising I can only assume due to the diminishing stock levels.

Im not going to get much of a chance to play with it in the near future but I am glad I have eventually joined the club. Oh how I have longed for usable high ISO :LOL:

I perhaps didnt need to add the two new lenses, extra battery, another bag and a book into the order aswell though... :bonk:

Congrats, which two lenses, sorry just being nosey..