Nikon Z* mirrorless

I am finding myself using the 24-200 more and more of late. it is just so versatile. Granted a lot of the shots are not life changing, but its performing well enough to be earning me a decent crust.
I like the 24-200 if I’m out for a walk i will take the 14-30 and the 24-200 with me with the z6 nice and light
Oh there is no way it'd be sent to them with that quote lol

The 400/4.5 is a lovely lens, and works well with the TC's as well but when you compare the size and weight of the fuji combo I have to the Z9 and 400mm, taking into account the autofocus of the fuji out performs the Z9 in most of the situations I've tried it in so far, it's difficult for me to not consider a switch.

View attachment 370767

I've never tried the HE or HE* files to be honest. I've just stuck with lossless compressed but it does eat disk space lol
That’s a big difference in size but i was waiting on a z6111 or a z8 but could not wait any longer so went for the z9
The 400/4.5 is a lovely lens, and works well with the TC's as well but when you compare the size and weight of the fuji combo I have to the Z9 and 400mm, taking into account the autofocus of the fuji out performs the Z9 in most of the situations I've tried it in so far, it's difficult for me to not consider a switch.

You think the X-T4 has better AF than the Z9 Pete? I’m surprised at that. I have the Z7ii and find the AF to be quite fantastic.

I also have an X100v and have considered swapping back fully to Fuji, but I must admit the focussing and image quality I’ve always found to be a little bit inferior to the Nikon.
You think the X-T4 has better AF than the Z9 Pete? I’m surprised at that. I have the Z7ii and find the AF to be quite fantastic.

I also have an X100v and have considered swapping back fully to Fuji, but I must admit the focussing and image quality I’ve always found to be a little bit inferior to the Nikon.

That's not an X-T4 ( I tried one of those a while back and I agree the X-T4 AF I found lacking ) in the photo, it's an X-H2s, and I can absolutely say without any doubt the subject tracking and detection is better than the Z9 for animals and in low light.
That's not an X-T4 ( I tried one of those a while back and I agree the X-T4 AF I found lacking ) in the photo, it's an X-H2s, and I can absolutely say without any doubt the subject tracking and detection is better than the Z9 for animals and in low light.

Interesting your experience doesn't seem to match that of dpreview's who rate Z9 to be better.

"Overall it's by far the best performance we've seen from a Fujifilm camera. Eye-detection isn't quite as 'sticky' as the best Canon and Sony cameras (or Nikon's Z9) and the hit-rate isn't always up with the best pro-level cameras, but with a bit of work and the right lens, it's a highly credible performer, especially if you're willing to drop the frame rate a little."

Interesting your experience doesn't seem to match that of dpreview's who rate Z9 to be better.

"Overall it's by far the best performance we've seen from a Fujifilm camera. Eye-detection isn't quite as 'sticky' as the best Canon and Sony cameras (or Nikon's Z9) and the hit-rate isn't always up with the best pro-level cameras, but with a bit of work and the right lens, it's a highly credible performer, especially if you're willing to drop the frame rate a little."

I can only speak based on my own experience as someone who's had a Z9 since January and an X-H2s since Friday. I'm not interested is 40fps so if the AF struggles at that I'm not bothered, but at 15fps ( which is what I shoot my Z9 at absolute max anyway ) the AF is easily keeping up with it, but the subject tracking is working far better so I'm actually getting more images in focus.
I can only speak based on my own experience as someone who's had a Z9 since January and an X-H2s since Friday. I'm not interested is 40fps so if the AF struggles at that I'm not bothered, but at 15fps ( which is what I shoot my Z9 at absolute max anyway ) the AF is easily keeping up with it, but the subject tracking is working far better so I'm actually getting more images in focus.
Fair enough, thanks for the detailed response.
The intention wasn't to call you out. I can't afford to buy both or try them all out, so just reading and comparing what everyone has to say.
If and when I swap I can't do it twice in quick succession
Fair enough, thanks for the detailed response.
The intention wasn't to call you out. I can't afford to buy both or try them all out, so just reading and comparing what everyone has to say.
If and when I swap I can't do it twice in quick succession

Oh don't worry I didn't take it as you calling me out or anything :)

I'm in the same situation, swapping systems isn't something I can do on a whim, which is why I've got the fuji on a 2 week loan to try out. I'm actually thinking of running both systems for now, move from the Z9 back to a Z7ii, and then sell the 400/4.5 and then use the cash from those transactions to move to the fuji for my wildlife work but keep hold of the majority of my Z lenses for other work. Losing the 50/1.2 will be really hard as I love that lens lol

Don't get me wrong though, when the Z9 gets everything right, focus spot on and you can keep the iso nice and low, it's stunning. But when relying on tracking for birds I'm finding it lacking and sometimes you can end up with very 'mushy' images out of it and I've never worked out why. But that's never been a problem for portraits etc, only wildlife.
But when relying on tracking for birds I'm finding it lacking
I went back through my Z9 images I've kept since getting the camera (almost a year now) and there is not a single BIF image where the camera has found/tracked the bird's head; not to mention it's eye. I also have many relatively stationary bird images where the Z9 did not find/track the bird's eye correctly.

On the other hand I do have many in-focus images taken using the dynamic-area modes that do not use subject/face/eye detection; but those modes also do not show which focus point was actually used.
Anyone using the 24-120mm F4G VR on their mirrorless? I really was the new S version but the older F mount are really cheap second hand right now and going to Wales next Friday for a week and need something for general landscape.
Anyone using the 24-120mm F4G VR on their mirrorless? I really was the new S version but the older F mount are really cheap second hand right now and going to Wales next Friday for a week and need something for general landscape.
Bit of a hit and miss lens wasn’t it generally. I tried one briefly on a Z6 and quite liked it - didn’t appear to have any major issues. I’m quite keen to pick up a 24-120 Z Mount but they’re rare to find & pricey.

My mate uses his F Mount on his z6 quite a bit with no issues.
Love my Z 24-120 F4 :cool:
Anyone using the 24-120mm F4G VR on their mirrorless? I really was the new S version but the older F mount are really cheap second hand right now and going to Wales next Friday for a week and need something for general landscape.
Not had any issues with using it on Z7II on a recent trip to Budapest. I only have that lens because I have an F100 and use it as the walkabout lens on that. Looking to get the Z version for an upcoming trip to Thailand but I'm wondering if the 24-200mm would be a better option.
Z9 with the 400/4.5, in case anyone is interested. The lens focuses adequately fast and in good light, the lens is pretty sharp. Unfortunately, I mostly shoot in low light, so the high ISO effect makes it less so.

Original capture

Final processed image
Question, since changing to Z systems do you find you can take photos that are more pleasing to you or is it just the experience is better? Or both?
Question, since changing to Z systems do you find you can take photos that are more pleasing to you or is it just the experience is better? Or both?
Honestly, neither... It's just that the Z9 allows me to get some pictures that I otherwise couldn't (or would be much harder to get)...e.g. 120fps w/ pre-release capture, silent shutter, etc.
Honestly, neither... It's just that the Z9 allows me to get some pictures that I otherwise couldn't (or would be much harder to get)...e.g. 120fps w/ pre-release capture, silent shutter, etc.
SK yes I meant that as well under experience but I should have been clearer and maybe used the word technical as well, thanks for your input
Honestly, neither... It's just that the Z9 allows me to get some pictures that I otherwise couldn't (or would be much harder to get)...e.g. 120fps w/ pre-release capture, silent shutter, etc.
Is pre release the same as focus priority release or??? Thanks
Well for me the z7 is less weight and better AF than my D750.

The 24-120 Z zoom is the best zoom lens I’ve ever owned.

Also, if you like sharp photos, the Z lenses are nearly all better than their F equivalents.
Is pre release the same as focus priority release or??? Thanks
It takes photos before you fully press the shutter, keeping renewing them in the buffer until you press the shutter button and stores the 1 seconds worth of images before you fully pressed the shutter. This means that you capture an image that you might not have had the reflexes or anticipation to get without the feature.
Great for sport, wildlife, kids, anything that might happen fast or unpredictably.
Just out of interest does the Z9 have animal eye detect? , I thought it did but was chatting to a guy at the zoo with one the other day and he said it didn’t have it
Just out of interest does the Z9 have animal eye detect? , I thought it did but was chatting to a guy at the zoo with one the other day and he said it didn’t have it

It does, but with animals it’s pretty flaky to be honest.
It does, but with animals it’s pretty flaky to be honest.

ahh I see thanks
I’m not familiar with Nikon always had Canon gear
most people I see now for zoo and wildlife at least shoot either Canon , Nikon or Sony all are excellent and have great image quality just a matter of preferance
Question, since changing to Z systems do you find you can take photos that are more pleasing to you or is it just the experience is better? Or both?
Not really sure what you meant but I rarely update my gear unless I feel that it's offering something extra. The Z9 was to replace my main body, the D4s (about 8 years old). I bought it for the better AF, silent shutter (a godsend), and video capability. Image wise I see little difference in what I do although the extra resolution is appreciated both for my print business and stock use. Hope that makes sense.
It does, but with animals it’s pretty flaky to be honest.
I must admit it was not so good to pick up eyes on Stags last week but birds its really good, it feels like they have focused on birds for eye detect, I have set different focus points on different buttons as I have been used to that on my DSLR's eg AF-ON is AF-C Wide with animal detect, FN3 is Spot focus, Joystick press is Group Focus, I now have front button on my 400 4.5 set to 3D tracking so have all based covered without going into menus.
I must admit it was not so good to pick up eyes on Stags last week but birds its really good, it feels like they have focused on birds for eye detect, I have set different focus points on different buttons as I have been used to that on my DSLR's eg AF-ON is AF-C Wide with animal detect, FN3 is Spot focus, Joystick press is Group Focus, I now have front button on my 400 4.5 set to 3D tracking so have all based covered without going into menus.

I've been having a lot of problems with bird detection. It seems the AI struggles unless the shape happens to be a specific silhouette or something, not really sure. I've now got my Fn1/3 buttons to recall shooting with dynamic small and no subject detection so I can bounce between the different settings.
I've been having a lot of problems with bird detection. It seems the AI struggles unless the shape happens to be a specific silhouette or something, not really sure. I've now got my Fn1/3 buttons to recall shooting with dynamic small and no subject detection so I can bounce between the different settings.
The Dynamic-area modes do not have subject detection, so you do not have to disable it... but maybe that's what you meant... TBH, I think a lot of bird activity is just too small and too fast for the AI functions to work with.
and stores the 1 seconds worth of images before you fully pressed the shutter.
I have it set to record the minimum .3 seconds... I definitely do not want an extra 120 images to cull through in front to f the 10 I take.
Hmm...interesting, sounds like Nikon might have a little more work to do on their AI subject recognition modes (excluding birds which by all accounts works well) ?

I know it's not the same class of camera, but I've yet to find an animal (either birds, our dogs, next doors rabbit, or most of the animals I saw recently at the zoo), that my Olympus OM-1 wouldn't pick the eyes up on using either bird or animal detect AI modes ?
Not really sure what you meant but I rarely update my gear unless I feel that it's offering something extra. The Z9 was to replace my main body, the D4s (about 8 years old). I bought it for the better AF, silent shutter (a godsend), and video capability. Image wise I see little difference in what I do although the extra resolution is appreciated both for my print business and stock use. Hope that makes sense.
Yes that’s perfect explanation why it was a worthy purchase
Hmm...interesting, sounds like Nikon might have a little more work to do on their AI subject recognition modes (excluding birds which by all accounts works well) ?
The only subject I have issues with is birds... given enough time, and a large enough subject, the Z9 will find the face/eye (front/driver) of any subject.

With the Z9 the in-camera jpeg settings also affect autofocus speed/accuracy/capability a fair bit... probably true for the other Nikon Z's as well, but I'm not certain about that.
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Ok, anyone used a 24-70 f4 for sports? I know I will be losing a few stops but I can always use ISO and I have never been scared of noise but how is the AF speed? My ole f lens 24-70 2.8 died at the weekend, always been planning on replacing it with the Z version but I just don’t have the cash to buy at the moment but could pick up a second hand version of the F4 for about the same as I reckon the repair will be for my ole f lens. Thoughts as always would be appreciated.
Ok, anyone used a 24-70 f4 for sports? I know I will be losing a few stops but I can always use ISO and I have never been scared of noise but how is the AF speed? My ole f lens 24-70 2.8 died at the weekend, always been planning on replacing it with the Z version but I just don’t have the cash to buy at the moment but could pick up a second hand version of the F4 for about the same as I reckon the repair will be for my ole f lens. Thoughts as always would be appreciated.
I personally have found (shooting weddings) that ISO on the Z6 and Z6ii is just a number now in effect. I feel they handle noise brilliantly. Worst case, I just run it through Topaz or DXO Prime raw for a minor cleanup.