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Amanda & Aaron
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I am generally using a 40D but might upgrade to a 5D MkII in the near future...

I am looking for a simple answer from someone/few about what to buy.

I want to be able to use two artificial light sources on location and am not sure what way to go. Should I get a couple of flash guns with a trigger or whatever (speedlites etc)? Or should I get a portable generator for one of the sets of studio lights I have.... (probably the Elinchrom 400BX's)?

Would really appreciate simple.... "buy this this this and this" type answers if at all possible.

Well, I'm not going to give you a simple answer so there!

The studio light have their advantages, power and modifiers being the main ones. They also have drawbacks, I would not like to use them in the rain for one! and how long are the cables? do you want cables running around your shoot?

Flashguns also have advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, they are portable and you won't electrocute yourself and on the negative, sometimes they are just not powerful enough. That's why the guys who rely on location flash buy things like Bron and Profoto. Lots of power and portability but blooming expensive! Mind you, your elinchrom's are not too shabby!

If I were in your shoes however and you have lights that are compatable with a generator then that's the route I'd choose.
take a look at Lencarta Safari - looks like good kit that should meet your needs
I'm with Ali 100%

If you already have some Elinchrom heads then a battery pack or generator would be much more beneficial long term. It really does depend on how many heads you want to work with.

One or two heads isn't so bad, anymore though and you may need an assistant to help you out, it can be tough doing a shoot alone when you have to consider all the gear, health and safety protocol and also manage the get up and tear down.

When your shooting against the clock, it can be too much to deal with alone.

Would really appreciate simple.... "buy this this this and this" type answers if at all possible.

Ha ha, no such thing my good man :LOL:
Arghhh if it was that easy, as ever it never is. Personaly I would not use a generator they are not ideal for location work.
Think batery packs if you want location lighting, but even then the range is fantastic, power outputs, control, modifiers that fit etc, etc
