Critique nobility

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Seen as we mght actually see some hares soon...ahh man the excitement, I though I'd celebrate with one from last year

Funny this, for a wild thang you are looking at a complete set up, but I never did nuffin alteration wise :LOL: Just fieldcraft ,one of those fab spots to make an image in lovely low veggies loads of hares visiting because there is a cracking food source they love just besides this. A gorgeous valley to give me bkgs . they all stack up to give this sort of mush sharp ( hopefully) mush image I love trying to make

1/1600 f 6.3 iso 2500 no crop 560mm

_S2I5562 nobility smj Dn by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for all thoughts good and bad crit etc welcome

take care

I like our chats so much of what we say to each other goes flying over the other guy's head :LOL: sorry buddy you have lost me...not hard is it:D
I understand that you are trying to point out something to do with my use of the word mush , but i'm clueless as to what it is Roger
I understand that you are trying to point out something to do with my use of the word mush , but i'm clueless as to what it is Roger
Just trying to understand what you mean :)
Ahh gotcha my bad :) By mush I mean OOF foreground and back ground,

Basically because of the shallow DOF ( relative to subject distance obviously) nothing else in the image bar the subject can be identified , So the DOF (coupled with the low POV) gives me an image where everything bar my subject is turned into " mush"

It's a style of image I really like trying to make Roger, where everything in my picture only hints to what is actually there,apart from my subject, which should hopefully be pin sharp on the eye

. Obviously as the image maker I need certain conditions to achieve this which I actively seek If there is anything too close fore or aft, then the dof wont throw everything else oof , or turn it into "mush", if you like.

I personally find the results of this type/ style of frame very attractive,

Sorry for the confusion mate I just couldn't figure out what you were asking

Does this^^^^ help ? .
Think it will be winter for me before I get close to getting out to see my locals , but as much as I envy you , I look forward to see how yours are doing . Nice pic with lovely " Mush " . :D:D:D
Well, 'mush' is a new one on me I have to say! It seems the definition should be 'OOF foreground or background'. Maybe we can get it in the dictionary if we use it enough!

I agree, very nice framing with the Hare resplendent in between the 'mush'!! :LOL:

Nice shot Stu, hardly seen a hare all year meself... :)
Fieldcraft. I like that. Presented as seen. We should have a topic for that.

Back in the day, I filed out the edges of my negative carrier so I could make a print of the whole negative with a black border and a hint of sprocket holes. Getting to use that border meant I nailed it.
Lads mush is a deeply technical term,we should all be using it, :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :exit: Mush sharp mush, has a certain ring to it OOF foreground sharp subject OOF background , doesn't slip of the tongue the same......................

I've lost haven't I:runaway::runaway::LOL:

Oh god I'm hopeless, I have no idea where I've picked this up from, mind you lot are all smiling so all good !!

Mark it's been tough for the likes of us this year, We'll get back what we have lost mate ,it'll just take time tis all, i'm told there are alot about on my patch I might just find a late leveret We both can't wait we have been stuck inside so long stuck inside now

John thanks, yeah I like this one, I rarely say that

bob cheers( clever mate, I love the words)

Well, 'mush' is a new one on me I have to say! It seems the definition should be 'OOF foreground or background'. Maybe we can get it in the dictionary if we use it enough!

I agree, very nice framing with the Hare resplendent in between the 'mush'!! :LOL:

Nice shot Stu, hardly seen a hare all year meself... :)

Si forgive me, I 'm more than a little mad, I guess that why these hares sort of accept me at times Cheers for the flickr follow and the kind words on my hare.

Fieldcraft. I like that. Presented as seen. We should have a topic for that.

Back in the day, I filed out the edges of my negative carrier so I could make a print of the whole negative with a black border and a hint of sprocket holes. Getting to use that border meant I nailed it.

Ken I love talking about how we ponder making a wildlife image. As above i'm never going to be the most articulate guy to have a chat with, sadly . I suspect this image represent a completely different mind set to how most including me usually make a wildlife frame.. what I mean is most of us go somewhere ,to a habitat and make images as they come. Whereas here, I tried to find a particular spot where everything would come together:, the vegetation including specific heights of veggies, the lie of the land the light direction to give me a chance of a particular type of image . I find that thought processes , more similar to how I think with my foxes, where I'm in a completely set up artificial environment, not out in the field . That fascinates me Ken

cheers for all the replies /likes

take care guys

nah....mushy............... partially mushed:LOL: but one can still discern peas Mushy would mean I didn't get the job right half me veggies would be visable and me subject wouldn't pop the same:rolleyes:

I don't understand why these technical terms are flying over everyone's head? Mind it's good loads of replies and I didn't even need to post an image

You do see the smile on my face don't ya mate;)
I guess I mush be doing sommit right then Russ :exit:

thank you

'Ere Russ am I the only one waiting for a husky to turn up , we best not go there had we, it's definitely going to fly over alot of heads:LOL: I told Shaz about this, she just said "ahh bless you are are helping all these young people with their English", I love that it is so untrue !!
Fantastic photography. Can never have to much mush.
thanks T. that's really kind, I love 'em a bit . Had one in my sights today just couldn't thread the needle, shame, the senario had real potential

Just put a pair of specs on that emoji Roger, and that's me to a tee ;)


I knew that Russ. what worries me is the word emoji, I was gonna crit Roger's photo :rolleyes:

Cheers both funny:LOL:

been on the hares all day , just after midnight I made my first image today of a fox I have a story to tell and am slightly shattered. My darling said to you want to be a tog then git ? then you best switch that off and go back to work

lads I started when today off to shoot charlie now .............. night lads

life's tough huh god I love this:LOL:
dark nervous cub now bye