Not sure where this goes - Stop motion critique

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Hello everbody

I am not sure where to post this, but I am looking for advice/feedback on this stop motion film I have made. Any photo/content comments would be grand.

Very good. The content is great

It would be improved if you could stop the camera shake/moving. Is it on Auto focus or are you pressing the shutter button on the camera?
Many thanks, taking the photos took about 6 hours when I had the ideas. making and sourcing sounds 45minutes, visuals took 1 hour and putting it all together about 45 minutes.

Its actually taken on an old camera phone and all the menus are confusing. I think you are right that it has an auto focus enabled. Would you advise turning this off. The reason for the shake is that I have had to fashion a camera holder out of Lego and bluetak and the take photo button needs to be pressed hard, hence the camera moves a bit out of position on each photo. I really need a way to prevent this, but I cannot really justify spending on a digi camera and tripod. Does anybody have any workarounds that I have not thought of?

Many thanks, taking the photos took about 6 hours when I had the ideas. making and sourcing sounds 45minutes, visuals took 1 hour and putting it all together about 45 minutes.

Its actually taken on an old camera phone and all the menus are confusing. I think you are right that it has an auto focus enabled. Would you advise turning this off. The reason for the shake is that I have had to fashion a camera holder out of Lego and bluetak and the take photo button needs to be pressed hard, hence the camera moves a bit out of position on each photo. I really need a way to prevent this, but I cannot really justify spending on a digi camera and tripod. Does anybody have any workarounds that I have not thought of?


Now you've explained the tools you use it's even more impressive. Keep up the good work!