OCA The Art of Photography Course Discussion Including Assignments and Submissions

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I have had an email back from my tutor so will be speaking to him soon.

Those using wordpress i have a problem. I went to write a new post earlier, all was good in the title bar, yet when i clicked in the box to type, there was no cursor appear. I typed a few words and previewed it, the words appear then, but as i type, nothing. Any ideas, as can't do anything if it's like that.
Reidy36 said:
I have had an email back from my tutor so will be speaking to him soon.

Those using wordpress i have a problem. I went to write a new post earlier, all was good in the title bar, yet when i clicked in the box to type, there was no cursor appear. I typed a few words and previewed it, the words appear then, but as i type, nothing. Any ideas, as can't do anything if it's like that.

Possibly a browser issue. Save the draft, the go back to it. I've had it a couple of times.
That is a relief, thought it was just me being a muppet.

Have decided to write things up on a word document first, then copy and paste over, so should I have any problems, I won't lose the bits I have typed (just a tip for others starting, as I was really peeved last night, as I was having a good thought process and when re written it wasn't the same).

I sorted out my dropbox account last night. Out of the options my tutor suggested, this looked to be the easiest and most straight forward, and it will have many more uses than just sharing the images (blatant plug time, if anyone wants to start an account, can I refer you, as it will give me an extra 250 mb of space, just let me know).

First assignment due in about 8 weeks so time to pull finger out.
Within Wordpress is a save draft button, above the publish one, so I tend to write a bit, save, write a bit, save, then publish at the end. The publish button then turns into an update one, should you make any further corrections.

Use a browser with a spelling add on, so it underlines any misspelt words.

Think about backing up your Wordpress site. There are add ons which will do adhoc or regular scheduled backups, sent to you via email.

Also when I get on the pc, I found a site that converts we pages to PDF, which I used to convert all my posts to send for formal assessment on a USB stick.
Does anyone no how to permanently disable comments in Wordpress, as it is a personal blog not really interested in comments from non OCA students and tutors. What is everyone else's thoughts on this please.
To turn off comments on new posts:
Settings >> Discussion >> uncheck "Allow people to post comments on new articles"

To turn them off on posts already made:
Posts >> select them all and "Edit" under bulk actions and hit apply >> choose "do not allow" next to comments and hit update posts.

I've turned my comments back on, after adding Akismet to stop the spam posts

Thank you very much for the links, i will have a look into them. I don't want a rerun of last week.

Well, the plan for this weekend was to take the photographs for the Focusing exercises. I did Wimbledon common yesterday, but nothing jumped out at me. I did take some photographs, but in the end didn't think they were suitable. Quick trip to Richmond park earlier, and all was good until i turned up, it started to rain, by the time i got to the carpark i wanted, the heavens had opened.

I did speak to my tutor earlier, his comments were encouraging and has given me some ideas to focus on.
Storms can be good, great cloud formations, rain on windows.
Sent my shots off for printing today for assignment 3. I'll write it up tomorrow. I've got a few other photographers to write up as well.
Had some time off yesterday, went and shot a local town criers competition for fun, chatted to a couple of the other photographers there, recognised the tog from the local paper and chatted to him, plus the reporter from the local radio. The town criers were a really friendly bunch, ma it great fun.

The went to a local county show, I think I took two photos. I was just enjoying looking around. Sometimes you just need to sit back, enjoy and not shoot and look at the bigger picture.
Took me most of the weekend just to 3 TAOP exercises for part 2 then process them and write them up

@Carol - Dont worry. I've not seen those specific images but I've seen plenty to make me think the same also. I've only recently done Assignment 1 for TAOP. Initital comments so far is that there is a fair bit of work aside form taking images but much is actual self critique and self analysis e.g. what I've learnt, what I could do better and its actually a really good way of learning as well as expressing why you took images of specific subjects the way you did. If you borrow or but Michael Freeman's book the photographer's eye you'll find this really good and well laid out and an excellent companion to TAOP and is worthing reading now then re-reading when you do TAOP. This way of learning can appear overwhelming at first but dont worry you'll be fine.

Warren, thank you for that. Charlotte is going back to the library (maybe to be purchased/borrowed at a later date). I already have The Photographers Eye, although not read thoroughly yet, so that is now my train book as from today. My first thoughts on it is that is a really good book.

Byker: Whew, I'm glad it's not just me! (y)
Well, as has been said before, READ WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, and then re-read it, have a break and read again.

Got out with the camera when walking the dog, and had what I thought were some good photographs for the Focus at a set aperture exercise. I had decided on the 50mm 1.8, so that I could get a nice focus on the area i wanted, but then have other blurred areas.

Found a great photogenetic park bench and focused close, middle and far end of bench, excellent i thought, then got back and re-read what is required. :bang::bang:

Will be back out tomorrow to re-take the photographs (at least this evening made me work out what i was going to do.

Byker, that pdf link is great, will look more into the back up link.
Does anyone know of a link that will help me with my blog? I have set it up but I don't really know where to go from there eg How do I attach photos so they are in a row? All help gladly accepted
Does the student card you get from oca get you student discounts in shops?
gercam said:
Does the student card you get from oca get you student discounts in shops?

I don't think so, however they are on the approved list to get a nus card. £15 a year I think and pretty much everywhere accepts them for student discounts.
Was thinking of getting the student version of photoshop. Has anyone done this? and do Adobe accept the OCA student id. Good price on Amazon at the moment. Thanks
faddius said:
I don't think so, however they are on the approved list to get a nus card. £15 a year I think and pretty much everywhere accepts them for student discounts.

Thanks I applied for one today
faddius said:
I don't think so, however they are on the approved list to get a nus card. £15 a year I think and pretty much everywhere accepts them for student discounts.

Just applied for one today thanks
robsea said:
Was thinking of getting the student version of photoshop. Has anyone done this? and do Adobe accept the OCA student id. Good price on Amazon at the moment. Thanks

No problem. I think there's a post on the student site about it.
Was thinking of getting the student version of photoshop. Has anyone done this? and do Adobe accept the OCA student id. Good price on Amazon at the moment. Thanks

Yep I got CS6 student version from amazon. When I got the software I sent an email to Adobe at 5pm with required details and had a reply the next morning with the licence key

I also got a student version of Color efex Pro from the iShop (cheapest I could find). This didn't require any sending of details
TAOP Assignment 1 - How long on average did it take to get tutor feedback? My tutor said it may take a while as there was an OCA process involved and suggested I carry on.

On Wednesday it will be 4 weeks. If this average then fine but do let me know
Hi Warren ... I got mine back within a week. My tutor was away when I sent the assignment in and she gave me the feedback the day after she returned from her holiday. It was really very quick and efficient. Four weeks seems way too long ... you ought to chase and if you're not happy email the OCA direct.

Oh, and my learning log is here: http://gillslearninglog.wordpress.com/

I've started Assignment Two but am working very slowly at it. I have loads to write about gallery visits and exploring other photographers ... so much writing to catch up on!!!
FrattonFreak said:
TAOP Assignment 1 - How long on average did it take to get tutor feedback? My tutor said it may take a while as there was an OCA process involved and suggested I carry on.

On Wednesday it will be 4 weeks. If this average then fine but do let me know

My tutor was on holiday also, but responded 1 week after his return.
Following Bykers and Fratons replies regarding CS6, I found the link on the OCA web site, have now ordered from Amazon, just waiting for it to arrive now.
FrattonFreak said:
TAOP Assignment 1 - How long on average did it take to get tutor feedback? My tutor said it may take a while as there was an OCA process involved and suggested I carry on.

On Wednesday it will be 4 weeks. If this average then fine but do let me know

I'd expect it to be about a week although I did have a 6 week wait when my tutor went abroad for 3 weeks after I'd just sent it to him. I'm not sue what process is needed now, I believe you do have to drop an email to say you've sent one (which I haven't done with my latest I must do that)

I'd drop your tutor an email prompt. Be polite but just "I was wondering if you have a timescale for my assignment feedback" type...

Meanwhile, don't stop doing the work, keep going.
FrattonFreak said:
TAOP Assignment 1 - How long on average did it take to get tutor feedback? My tutor said it may take a while as there was an OCA process involved and suggested I carry on.

On Wednesday it will be 4 weeks. If this average then fine but do let me know

Strange, I've never waited more than a couple of days for feedback. I would chase it up.
I'd expect it to be about a week although I did have a 6 week wait when my tutor went abroad for 3 weeks after I'd just sent it to him. I'm not sue what process is needed now, I believe you do have to drop an email to say you've sent one (which I haven't done with my latest I must do that)

I'd drop your tutor an email prompt. Be polite but just "I was wondering if you have a timescale for my assignment feedback" type...

Meanwhile, don't stop doing the work, keep going.

Thanks guys

Just had a response and its been "mislaid" and I need to resend it:shake:
This suggests a further 4 week wait since the OCA need to scrutinise them, well assignment 1 anyway

Do the OCA actually keep tabs on timelines and chivvy up the tutors?

I've continued with the excercises for part 2 but there aren't a large number here before Assignment 2 which I see no point starting until I receive my feed back i.e. its part of the learning process with advantage of improving based upon the critique from the assignment before

Disappointed :(
Thats very disappointing. Still I bet your tutor will now turn it around quickly.
Not very confidence inspiring if your tutor has mislaid your work, especially on the first assignment.

I think the second time round I'd give it a fair deadline, a week or two at most seeing as I get my feedback within a couple of days (there can't be many changes to how the system works, my last assignment was sent of 3 weeks ago and had a 48 hour turn around). If there's no response I'd just contact the oca directly and request a change of tutor and outline your reason why. Let them take it up with your tutor if they're not performing as they should.
@rob - yeah, I hope so :D

@faddius - Thanks. I'd expect quick turnaround for TAOP since at this stage we are beginners so perhaps in need of more guidance? Not just photography but the whole assignment process and reflection / amendement etc. Yep, I'd rather resolve with Tutor, perhaps its a one off.
I was really lucky with my taop tutor. He was excellent and really helped me through the process.
Maybe this is a one-off. As you say the having made a mistake its the rectification of it that counts now to determin if its a one off or not.

I emailed the assignment slip to the OCA when I submitted the assignment to my tutor so I'm surprised they haven't chased the tutor either.

I'll wait a few weeks and then take this up with the OCA if its not resolved, hopefully it will be :)

*** The OCA tell me the period is a maximum of 4 weeks and the average 2-3 weeks and they monitor Tutor's responses and use this as part of their Performance with reports Forwarded to the Director of Teaching and Learning****
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I have now completed my first exercise
Any crit welcome re blog - I am struggling with right hand menu slightly. Dont really know hwo to get it the way I want it.
The actual post also looks really big - are the photos too big? Any advice very gladly accepted.

Anyway enjoyed doing it and now need to write others up and get on with assignment
gercam said:
I have now completed my first exercise
Any crit welcome re blog - I am struggling with right hand menu slightly. Dont really know hwo to get it the way I want it.
The actual post also looks really big - are the photos too big? Any advice very gladly accepted.

Anyway enjoyed doing it and now need to write others up and get on with assignment

Exercise looks good, although the horizontals of the bottles are slightly off ;). A good subject matter and I like the way you've shot it.
Nice theme for the page, It really makes your images stand out. The only comment on the layout is the white writing over the light banner picture makes it hard to read the title.

What do you want to do with the right menu?
I have now completed my first exercise
Any crit welcome re blog - I am struggling with right hand menu slightly. Dont really know hwo to get it the way I want it.
The actual post also looks really big - are the photos too big? Any advice very gladly accepted.

Anyway enjoyed doing it and now need to write others up and get on with assignment

Hi and welcome onto TAOP. I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. The write-up is good. I don't think you need to change anything, but in future you could consider how you will use what you've learned - like being aware of how the focus point controls where the eye goes (but you've alluded to that when analysing the photos).

I'm using a custom menu widget in combination with categories for the menu on my blog.
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