Official Fuji X-Pro 2 thread

You may need a XF90mm.

Haha maybe!

Yeah I don't get much use out of it to be honest. Reckon the 16/35 combo could be the one for me.

I think I'm going to stick with the 16/35 as my main combo for now, being able to crop and still have a decent image size means I'm likely to go wider and crop!

Tr the 60mm, if you don't mind f2.4. Focusses quite well on the Pro2 and is stunningly sharp. Light and compact, too. And cheap.

Good shout!
I seem to remember that the bet was specifically not to buy a lens, I believe trading for different lenses could be your get-out.
Just seen this. No. The only exception was if there had to be a replacement for a lost/stole/damaged lens. Trading was most definitely excluded. That pint looks very inviting already.
As the appointed representative for Mr Perceptive in this case I would like to draw attention to the initial contract terms as drawn up in January of this year.

For 2106 no new lenses or bodies (with the only proviso that like for like replacement should anything break)...Done (and it's a leap year!)...I look forward to 1/1/17 and my free pint:pint:

There it's in print now, only 357 days to sweat it out...:eek:

OK agreed. Now what should I have? A pint of whisky methinks!!!

Please pay attention to the exact wording "no new lenses or bodies"
While my client agrees to no purchases of new equipment, he does retain the right to purchase second hand equipment without breach of contract ;)

@Mr Perceptive :welcome:
Just seen this. No. The only exception was if there had to be a replacement for a lost/stole/damaged lens. Trading was most definitely excluded. That pint looks very inviting already.

As the appointed representative for Mr Perceptive in this case I would like to draw attention to the initial contract terms as drawn up in January of this year.

Please pay attention to the exact wording "no new lenses or bodies"
While my client agrees to no purchases of new equipment, he does retain the right to purchase second hand equipment without breach of contract ;)

@Mr Perceptive :welcome:

This is going to me my hardest earnt pint (ever)!!! :beer: It's all under control, there are actually no lens that I need for the foreseeable future (thats not to say want!!!), but it's over 100 days since I last bought a lens (27/11/15) so I'm doing pretty well!! :)Got some more filters on order though :exit:
That all depends on your interpretation if the word "new". The spirit of the agreement was that "new" meant "new" to @Mr Perceptive as opposed to new from the shop. Breakage and damage excepted.

The agreement was sealed sitting in a Volvo outside New Brighton railway station. I remember it well.
@Barrysprout you must lead a sad and lonely life if you can sit there at 1AM and trawl through the vast reams of stuff on the X-T1 thread to find those quotes. I thought about it but decided life was far too short:eek:
At that time of the morning you should be tucked up in bed with a good woman, or even better...a bad woman!
A couple more with the 35mm f/2:


Is this strap long enough to go cross-shoulder? Or is it just the same length as the standard Fuji strap? Which is far too short for me.

I thinks it's a little longer but haven't opened the XP2 strap I can only reference the XP1 and assume it's the same
Well it's finally here, looks and feels great. Love the shutter sound. Unfortunately I've come down with flu and chest infection and I can't get out with it, gloriously sunny day as well :-(
I've blinged it up a bit. Long Gordys strap, Gariz soft release and Match technical thumbs up (which fits perfectly,if a little loose in fit). One thing is concerning me though, the shutter button is very very rattly, there's an awful lot of movement side to side. Is this normal ? My XP1 is a lot better fit.
ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1457967097.265652.jpg
There is a lot of lateral movement in the shutter button - more noticeable if you fit a soft release, which is why I haven't.
No, it's designed to take a cable / air release that's screwed in. A soft release is just an extremely (micro) short version of this except there is no cable !

Thanks for the reply.

I too noticed that it had a lot of play, which was a little alarming.

So far loving the camera, especially the rangefinder focusing, although is it correct that the small square to the right doesn't line up with what your focusing on 100% perfectly??
Fuji forum admin reporting that firmware update coming in the next couple of weeks to fix several small issues.

Presumably the main one being the reset problem, not sure what others exisg although I have read about overheating once or twice
shaky shutter button ? :wideyed:

I think "wobbly" is a better description, I didn't notice it until I put a soft release on it but it's very obvious then. I'm not concerned since there's a 3 year warranty and it seems everyone's is the same, it hasn't affected my use of the camera but it is unusual.
3 year warranty ? On all x pro 2's?
Probably not, you guys get all the breaks, sunshine, all the kangaroos you can eat, a passable rugby side (pardon the pun) no wonder my great great great uncle David moved there all those years ago. He probably got a longer warranty on this bad boy than he would have gotten in Ireland. First captain of the all Blacks, but he had a sh!te camera, look, it doesn't even have a thumb grip :rolleyes:

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