Ok My turn - Chester zoo again :D


Steak,wedges and a pint
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Well, had a great day and it was nice to meet you all, i was gonna wait till tomorrow to have a look through my shots but who can resist the temptation, not me :D

Only had a quick look through and quickly processed the easy ones so far and only looked through half my shots so here's the pick so far......

1. wish i had taken this in portrait..


2. Elephant


3. Jaguar


4. Sorry Marcel, had to use flash for this one....Leafcutter ant


5. A lizard


6.Penguin about to dive...


7.More penguins...


8. And finally for now, the tiger did make an appearance....


more to follow tomorrow :)
hmmm, they look darker on the forum than i processed them :puzzled
Love the Penquins and a great capture on the Tiger - you saw more of him than we did! :shrug:
I often find that the file I saved is a different colour to the one that gets displayed.

Love the Ant, they are nasty little blighters :D

Tigger could do with a bit more colour in his cheeks, but it's a great capture
i was coaxing that ant with my lens cap lol
hmmm, they look darker on the forum than i processed them :puzzled

I agree they are a tad dark, but the Jaguar is a great shot none the less (y)
( I am not saying the rest are crap BTW)
i don't understand it, they were much brighter when i processed them :dunno

here's a comparison of my processed shot and on here...

Ok, i've re-uploaded them now and the colours look a bit better hehe, also processed another three shots, C+C please :D

Awww, ikkle cute duckling - without laying on the tarmac ;)

Another of the Jaguar

Who said you couldn't get a half decent shot in the monkey house...
Still look very dark and the last one in the monkey house looks like the WB is way off,

But then agasin i'm on my cheap LCD at work at the moment so it could just be me :LOL:
Nice selection Wez, dont know if I can be bothered to process mine after seeing all of these! Will put mine to shame :LOL:
A nice collection, Wez, and I like the action you've caught in the jaguar shots, and the little orang utan on the rope. But they do seem to have rather a green cast, on my monitor at least. Could it be something to do with indoors / WB? (Not saying I could do better, BTW!) :)

Thanks Cathy, i agree with the monkey and green cast, probs my processing and the way it's come out online :confused: lol.

I've developed a few more for your perusal, C+C welcome as usual. I've uploaded them a different way this time and they seemed to look the same as i processed them, will find out soon enough :D

Another of the Jaguar


More otters

Another penguin from underwater...

And finally, the red panda
:clap: :clap: a great set!

Love no 7 'I shall just give you a little push' :LOL:
That looks like a Panda ;)

i'm guessing you mean the colour?, i dunno whats going on, anything i upload to my webspace is being darkened and desaturated, i'll show you in a minute...
Nooooo, that bloke with the kid, "that looks like a little Red Panda"
Thats 'cause it is ! I think I said it out loud instead of just thinking it though !

ahhhhh, pmsl, like i was whistling the red panda over ;)
Nice set.
I like the Vultures. I spent ages by them last time I was there. For what they are, there is just something that makes them ideal for photos.
Love that final batch of photos! The red pandas were high in their trees when I was there, and my one and only shot was hopelessly oof!

Like all your jaguar shots.

Also like the ant and the penguin about to dive.

I thought the red panda had been stuffed and stuck up a tree, it didn't look like it had moved from the first time I saw it in the morning to the last time late afternoon.
Great set :clap: Must agree with Glo love the Penguins under water shot (y)
ty :), shame they aren't showing how they should be, still haven't figured it out :(
A lovely collection you have there Wez, you must be chuffed :)
Wow that penguin underwater steals it for me :)