ok second attempt

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I posted up some pics of the desert in Qatar some time ago. They were awful and I think people were just being polite. Here is another attempt. Please take the time to give me some feedback it will be greatly appreciated.





The first one has had a bit of Lightroom work and the rest are au natural.

I would particularly appreciate guidance on composition and any improvements that could be added in Lightroom.

Since you've been there, how realistic are the colours? I'm afraid they look washed out to me.

For me, there's no focal point in any of them; my eyes just wander around the shot.

Not sure about exposure (see first comment)

Not sure any are in focus.

Of the four, I prefer no. 4, but afraid I don't actually like any of them.

All that said, I guess deserts are very difficult to photograph, so good on you for trying :)
Since you've been there, how realistic are the colours? I'm afraid they look washed out to me.

For me, there's no focal point in any of them; my eyes just wander around the shot.

Not sure about exposure (see first comment)

Not sure any are in focus.

Of the four, I prefer no. 4, but afraid I don't actually like any of them.

All that said, I guess deserts are very difficult to photograph, so good on you for trying :)
Thanks for taking the time to answer.

This bit of desert is where I collect fossils and it is the most desolate place imaginable. The whole area is bleached white, even the sand, I played with Lightroom to make the sand a golden colour but it just looks very artificial.

The conditions are always very bright with cloudless skies, I guess I could add a few clouds in Photoshop, so landscapes with sky look a bit odd.

I am trying to capture the desolation and not make it look like Lawrence of Arabia.

As you can see I need a lot of help.

Think the first one would work better with a lower angle, go for f2.8 and focus on the guy walking rendering foreground and background out of focus. Perhaps use a grad filter to enhance sky. Just play with it a bit. IMHO.
What settings are you using on your camera?

If you're using auto, a camera will always try to average the exposure. Try playing with manual if you haven't done so already. The place is very bright; sounds odd but try treating it like snow, and add +1 exposure compensation.

If I were taking these shots I'd try to (a) get some foreground interest, (b) look for something that leads in the eye into the shot - a line of footprints?, and (c) adjust exposure to darken the image slightly.

I've looked at these again, and your previous post, and I'm still not seeing anything in sharp focus. Could be a number of reasons for that, including a fault in the camera, but try using a tripod or resting the camera on something solid to help eliminate camera shake, and use either the built in timer or a remote release to trigger the camera.

Also, think about composition. What are people or vehicles doing in your 'desolation'? Surely a dead tree/bush or animal skeleton would be better, even if you have to take the 'props' with you? Sometimes nature needs a little hand. :)

Did you use a polariser or some other filter in shot 1? I ask because of the vignetting in the upper corners, but also because if you were using a polariser you need to ensure you're at right-angles to the sun for maximum effect (although the shadow line suggests you weren't far off that angle).
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Thanks for the replies.

The focus thing was because of holding by hand and I am now the proud owner of a fairly good tripod.
The settings vary due to me trying to get to grips with a new camera (Fuji HS-20) and my determination to not use AUTO.

I fully take the points about composition. I will bring a selection of dead and decaying camels with me for the foreground interest.

The first shot had a bit of lightroom work done to it.

I will get this right but photography is proving a bit more of a challenge than I thought.

By looking at the shadows it looks like the sun is reasonably high,try and shoot at first light or last thing
I will be trying for the early light this weekend.

This one has a deliberate out of focus background (first tripod picture):

There is aold saying that a nice does not a great landscape make.

You need the early and late light to get some colour in them midday is bad as has been said.

Try B&W though as it may help with textures and patterns you get in such landscape.

they seem to need some processing to add contrats and colour.