Okay my first impressions of the "Q" as a everyday camera

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Neil Williams
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Frigging awesome;

I have had the Q now for 4 days and a lot of that time has been traveling so really not much chance to use the camera. Yesterday was my real first chance to have a play around with it and here are a few things that I have found with it.

I bought my Q from Ffords in Scotland along with a Arte Di Mano case from Leica Miami and the Thumbs up from Korea. With out a doubt the Arte Di Mano case is the "dogs b*****ks" doesn't smell like the dogs b*****ks but smells unbelievably good

The Thumbs Up has p***ed me off. Reason being is that with it installed it makes the Zoom button impossible to find with my thumb so BBF is not an option.........Yes I could leave it off and still be able to use BBF, but I like the thumbs up on the camera so using half press to lock focus is no big deal

The Picture quality is frigging awesome as good as what I can remember of my M and defiantly as good if not better than my Nikon gear.........I'm in two minds as to how it compares to my Leica S but lugging that great big thing around town is a no brainer..........leave the S at home

Jetty at Japamala Resort Tioman Island Malaysia
I love the 28mm focal plane, its perfect for my kind of photography (up close and nasty), when I used to shoot with my Leica M my go to lens was the 21mm Lux....I guess I like shooting wide.

Another Jetty picture
The High ISO capabilities just blows away the M and S and I have mine set to Auto ISO 6400 1/125 when I am walking about. The picture below was taken in our hotel room at ISO3200
Auto Focas is sharp and snappy, looking into that bright clear EVF is a dream.

Ive had some issues getting the wifi to work the way I wanted but with some help from this forum and with google I have got that s*** figured out.
Just to have a fantastic walk about camera again has made photography enjoyable again...........its a keeper
You won't be disappointed. There is nothing else out there that can touch this camera for image quality and user satisfaction
Arte Di Mano case? Zoom button? Comparison to Leica S? Are you sure you're not talking about the 'Leica Q' camera rather than 'The Q Camera'?
I was taking the micky............yes i'm talking about the Leica Q not some pink thing :)
What an interesting camera. Great shots too.
its a long way to tipperary...but a stop along the way can be beneficial
leica rules?

smashing shots though
Okay I am sure there is something in that but it's way above my head????

i was saying in my silly way is that with so much powerful equipment at your disposal do you see a marked difference in your work
it does strike me though leica models where you live may be less costly than here in R.O.B...rip off britain
i was saying in my silly way is that with so much powerful equipment at your disposal do you see a marked difference in your work
it does strike me though leica models where you live may be less costly than here in R.O.B...rip off britain
I actually bought my Leica Q from Ffords in Scotland and made use of the 20% no VAT. So for you to benefit from that you would need to send it to an address overseas
I actually bought my Leica Q from Ffords in Scotland and made use of the 20% no VAT. So for you to benefit from that you would need to send it to an address overseas

yes i see...the thing is i dont have so much to spend on cameras i just thought with you being a world traveller you would find it less expensive to purchase as you have pointed out
is it the lenses you find superior....?
the only high class lenses i ever had a chance to use were the AI Nikkors...they could be used on a variety of bodies...i used the Nikkormat Ftn and EL2's
Wow, I just checked the price. £3,0000??? For a fixed lens compact?
This is a genuine question: why would I choose one over a Sony A7II which has similar features, is a similar size and has slightly better performance - but which is a much more versatile tool?

I confess I've never understood the fascination with Leica - I just about get it for the rangefinders for street work, but otherwise? It's a tool. It does a job.

The other Q camera makes a lot more sense to me - at least they've tried to evolve a phone camera into something unique.
This is a genuine question: why would I choose one over a Sony A7II which has similar features, is a similar size and has slightly better performance - but which is a much more versatile tool?

Because Leica users convince themselves they've got the best camera in the world, and that their photography will be improved. Neither is true... it's all b******s. Any of the images at the top if this thread could have been taken a camera costing less than a third of the price and been as good, if not better.

As for being a better photographer... well.. you can't buy that.
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to me leica is more about simplicity and ease of use than specifically about quality - the q has similar controls to an m with the only downsides of no optical finder and non swappable lens
to me leica is more about simplicity and ease of use than specifically about quality - the q has similar controls to an m with the only downsides of no optical finder and non swappable lens

interesting.. what makes it simpler to use than a conventional DSLR or mirrorless jobbie? Presumably it has the same range of adjustments - ISO, aperture, shutter speed, WB, focusing? Or if not, how does it differ from the auto mode on a DSLR?
interesting.. what makes it simpler to use than a conventional DSLR or mirrorless jobbie? Presumably it has the same range of adjustments - ISO, aperture, shutter speed, WB, focusing? Or if not, how does it differ from the auto mode on a DSLR?
Aperture markings are really easy to read on a leica lens with just the right amount of click between half stops - the same goes with shutter speed adjustments - focussing has a useful tab so you can zone focus without even looking at the focus dial - the m8 is poor above iso160 so just leave it at iso160 and i just leave wb set to sunny as tend to use flash for most indoor shots which is well balanced for the sunny wb
Because Leica users convince themselves they've got the best camera in the world, and that their photography will be improved. Neither is true... it's all b******s. Any of the images at the top if this thread could have been taken a camera costing less than a third of the price and been as good, if not better.

As for being a better photographer... well.. you can't buy that.
BS........... Another jealous want to have a Leica guy.
Your mind can not comprehend how much I do not want one.. LOL

i do fancy the full frame sony camera....but struggle on with a lumix G1 and still take hammer chewer shots requiring loads of pp to get them to come right

i thought the leica was a lens thing only...
i do fancy the full frame sony camera....but struggle on with a lumix G1 and still take hammer chewer shots requiring loads of pp to get them to come right

i thought the leica was a lens thing only...

No.. it's a small penis thing :)
Enjoy the camera and it looks a great location to test it out, but I have to say the ISO 3200 shot in the bedroom looks dreadful , especially around the floor area for noise and smudge and mush of detail.

Exactly... 3 grand and unusable at 3200. Camera's less than a third of that wouldn't even break a sweat.
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If you knew me you wouldn't have said that....... Nothing further from the truth

well that does show up my lack of thought there, sorry
and does reflect the reason i would mention i had a leica...i used to swank about my nikons as it happens
no disrespect old chap
Desiese? Is that like a disease? :)

You've no idea how far off the mark you are :)
Jealousy is a desiese.......... Sad

May I make a suggestion. Instead of getting all defensive and passive aggressive, why not take a look at that photo, the bed one, and figure out what the problem is. Everything I've read about your camera suggests it should have no problem at that iso.

On the evidence of that picture I'm bloody glad I decided to save a shed load of money and bought a Fuji X100, because iso 3200 on that is a non issue.

So, maybe there's somthing wrong with your processing, maybe there's a fault with that camera or maybe what I've read is indeed b******t.

Now, I tend to agree that Leicas are overhyped and relying on a name.

Having decided I'm not buying into all that, to suggest any critique is jealousy is pathetic.
Back on topic.
The Leica Q is without a doubt the best all round walk about camera on the market right now and takes amazing pictures........ The 3200 ISO picture was also a 1 stop under screwed up exposure by me
Back on topic.
The Leica Q is without a doubt the best all round walk about camera on the market right now and takes amazing pictures........ The 3200 ISO picture was also a 1 stop under screwed up exposure by me

Which means it was really ISO6400.... and it's still crap for 6400.

Back on topic? I wasn't aware it was OFF topic? Are we not discussing the new Leica Q? Oh... you mean you want a thread where we all ooh and ahhh and be dead jealous? LOL

Seriously.... it's just a camera.
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