Old car, C&C please

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I took this the other day of an old rover thats been in our field ever since I can remember.


Thanks in advance.
have u tried it in mono, i have a feeling it'd work great as a mono piece.

i like it though, and i'm having trouble working out y. Think its a checky looking car, looks like its talking or something...
it's a little flat, especially around the front of the car and windescreen. perhaps a touch of fill flash would have added a bit of sparkle?
It's a Rover 90 i think:thinking:.. might be wrong though..:shrug:
For me there isn't anough of the car showing, perhaps a bit more of the grille. If possible i'd also prefer to see a little more of the location to help set the scene a little more maybe step back a bit to show more of the field/trees etc. Finally for maximum impact I think it would make a better mono image with just a touch of sepia tone, not too much or else it'll look a bit fake but just a bit will help bring out the colours in the rust.

Hope this helps?