old lenses

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hi i am thinking of buying a dslr camera can i use my old lenses that have an amount
Depends on the mounts on the lens(es) and body. Most F mount Nikon lenses can be used on Nikon DSLRs (with a few exceptions and assorted amounts of automation) and there are many different combinations of mating possible with adaptors, again with assorted amounts (often none) of automation. SRB Photographic would be my recommendation for supplier of adaptors - not the cheapest but they work!
hi i am thinking of buying a dslr camera can i use my old lenses that have an amount
Should that read 'A' mount?
As in Pemtax KA?

All the Pentax cameras can use them, with limitations, you can get an adaptor for Canon (which has the same limitations as Pentax - sometimes less), then there's adaptors for lots of mirrorless cameras too which will make manual focussing easier. You pays your money -you takes your choice.
the lens used to be used on a minolta dynax 7000i the lenses are sigma 28-70 and 70-210 , i am thinking of getting a nikon d5300
If your lenses are Minolta you will need to get a Sony A series camera, like a Alpha 33 or similar the lenses will work on that.
All Minolta Auto Focus lenses since 1985 will work on just about any Sony A-series DSLRS/DSLTs, I think there is one exception( a medical lens ) . Minolta lenses are pretty abundant and many are excellent quality even today. The older ones are metal bodied and very tough. That said, the downside is that they can be a little slower that their modern counterparts. Got a few myself.
the lens used to be used on a minolta dynax 7000i the lenses are sigma 28-70 and 70-210 , i am thinking of getting a nikon d5300
Nikon is pretty much the worst choice for using lenses other than Nikon fit. It's a matter of flange distance.

One of the mirror-less options is the best for compatibility with older mounts, but you need to think about whether either of those lenses is special enough to bias your purchase.