Ollie - My Westie

It has come out really well but just think how amazing it would have been with all that stuff in the background, next time take him outside to play (y)

Also don't forget TPDay2012 a day for the entire forum to come together to showcase our talents in one big day of photo's, click the logo in my signature to get more details and sign up

Yeah i 100% agree about all the crap in the background... as i say i was just messing about laying on the floor and he approached me... couldnt resist!!

Will get him out in the garden on the grass when we get some decent weather... Fed up of clouds and rain in blackpool..

Out of interest (as im crap on photoshop) is there a way to blur the background out and just have the dog and the rug?

Yes you can blur the background but it rarely looks good - just blurred. You might be better trying to extract the dog from the background and dropping a new one in. If you have photoshop and start using it you will find you an do all sorts of things with it with practice

And you Christine are especially good at that (y)