Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Battery life is definitely the bane if mirrorless cameras. Plus, I might be going against the majority, somehow I still prefer shooting via an optical viewfinder as well!
Battery life is definitely the bane if mirrorless cameras. Plus, I might be going against the majority, somehow I still prefer shooting via an optical viewfinder as well!
I did until I bought the em-1 which compared to the em-5 v1 is much better (Viewfinder).
Battery life is definitely the bane if mirrorless cameras. Plus, I might be going against the majority, somehow I still prefer shooting via an optical viewfinder as well!
Nope, I prefer optical too. The EVF on the EM5-II is very good, but when I've been using my D750 and go back to the EM5-II it does leave me a bit underawed. It's just so much nicer looking through optics and just this outweighs the pros of the EVF. Obviously this will split camps ;)
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CSCs just use more juice.
If you're worried about battery life give a Sigma DPx Merrill a go (lovely cameras btw) :D
I have no problems with battery life of the EM5 mk2 as I have spares. Which I change occasionally. I don't miss shots or have any difficulties. If it affected my shooting experience I'd not be happy. But it doesn't.
Used some makeshift lighting to try something a bit different today technique wise. Can't afford any proper lighting at the mo so made do with a led torch diffused with kitchen roll ;)

by TDG-77, on Flickr
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Used some makeshift lighting to try something a bit different today technique wise. Can't afford any proper lighting at the mo so made do with a led torch diffused with kitchen roll ;)

Really like this, nice lighting. Might be worth playing around with a lens attached to it as well, looks slightly odd with the cap on.
Really like this, nice lighting. Might be worth playing around with a lens attached to it as well, looks slightly odd with the cap on.
Thanks. I preferred it with the lens cap on as the 12-40mm is a bit too big. I'd like to do it with the 14-42mm EZ but I'm not buying a lens just to take a picture of it :LOL:
Mixture of s-af and c-af but more success with c-af and rattling off a few frames but to the low shutter speed I wanted as my kids weren't moving to quickly. Tried +tracking mode again ( hilariously rubbish ). Used auto ibis and ibis-1 ( if that's the horizontal one ) but couldn't tell the difference.
Recent Moon shot E-M1, stacked x1.4 converters and a Tokina 300mm f/2.8
Moon 22.11.2015 by Huw Prosser, on Flickr

Yes, excellent shot, nice and sharp despite the stacked extenders. I'd be interested in seeing a quick pic of this rig mounted on a tripod. Any chance you could do a quick grab shot with your phone or something?
Yes, excellent shot, nice and sharp despite the stacked extenders. I'd be interested in seeing a quick pic of this rig mounted on a tripod. Any chance you could do a quick grab shot with your phone or something?

Thanks Will, actually flickr has over sharpened it a bit, if you download the 1200 x 1200 version you will see what I mean.

Here is my Tokina, the image is a bit old because it's my E-M5 with grip mounted rather than my current E-M1 and there are no stacked converters in this shot.

Edit: Also this is without the hood fitted.
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Thanks Will, actually flickr has over sharpened it a bit, if you download the 1200 x 1200 version you will see what I mean.

Here is my Tokina, the image is a bit old because it's my E-M5 with grip mounted rather than my current E-M1 and there are no stacked converters in this shot.

Edit: Also this is without the hood fitted.
Nice compact setup ;)
Just a couple of quick shots of my Quaker parrot with my EM1 and 12-40 and clip on flash ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1449561541.898065.jpgImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1449561562.855331.jpg

Don't know how they look on everyone else's screen but they look so low quality on iPad that it looks like they're out of focus. They aren't so maybe I need to find a better way to share them
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Here is my Tokina, the image is a bit old because it's my E-M5 with grip mounted rather than my current E-M1 and there are no stacked converters in this shot.
Edit: Also this is without the hood fitted.

Looks good, not as big as I was expecting actually given it's a 600mm-e f2.8 lens! How much do you extend it by and what's the IQ like? Its seems like a reasonable solution to getting a very long focal length, and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on using it with the EM1 ... I'm guessing live view zoom + peaking make it relatively easy to use?
Excellent images of the budgie. Must have been fairly low light indoors so whatever you used worked very well!
Anyone using 90 mb/s cards in their e-m1 ? Whilst rattling off the panning shots at the weekend, I was waiting forever ....then checked my cards and see they're only 30 mb/s :eek: so am looking to upgrade
Anyone using 90 mb/s cards in their e-m1 ? Whilst rattling off the panning shots at the weekend, I was waiting forever ....then checked my cards and see they're only 30 mb/s :eek: so am looking to upgrade
I use the 60mb/s Sandisk extreme, and 95mb/s sandisk extreme pro and haven't notice any difference really.
Thanks - I really need to do something as I was waiting 10 seconds or so for the card to write after 6 or 7 shots.
Anyone using 90 mb/s cards in their e-m1 ? Whilst rattling off the panning shots at the weekend, I was waiting forever ....then checked my cards and see they're only 30 mb/s :eek: so am looking to upgrade

I've got a mix of 30/60/95 and while the 95's are faster there's still a reasonable wait time after bursts (to the point it annoys me sometimes when I want to chimp my shots). It always seems to take longer than a few seconds to finish, but I just assumed it's because time goes slower when I'm impatiently waiting, like watching a kettle boil.
Looks good, not as big as I was expecting actually given it's a 600mm-e f2.8 lens! How much do you extend it by and what's the IQ like? Its seems like a reasonable solution to getting a very long focal length, and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on using it with the EM1 ... I'm guessing live view zoom + peaking make it relatively easy to use?

It looks quite compact until you fit the hood :D
With regard to the focal length, being pedantic I guess I would phrase it as the same field of view as 600mm FL on a 35mm frame ;)
I have used it with a single Canon FD x1.4, here's an example
Robin by Huw Prosser, on Flickr
I have also used a x2 Tokina and the Canon x1.4 for Moon shots giving around 840mm on 35mm.
That most recent Moon shot was taken with my Oly MC-14 and the Canon x1.4 to give around 590mm on 35mm with the Tokina.
Using it with the E-M1 is a breeze, peaking or zoom to x5 or so if necessary.
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Do the Canon teleconverters degrade the image much? I presume it's better than bigger crops in post processing or you would do it already?
Do the Canon teleconverters degrade the image much? I presume it's better than bigger crops in post processing or you would do it already?
On balance I would say using the converter is better (in my experience). My copy of the Canon FD 1.4X-A is excellent no question, more than happy with the results.

I wouldn't stack converters for wildlife shots though I would just stick with a single x1.4.
You can certainly get away with more when shooting the Moon.

Edit: Missed your last point, yes I would generally crop anyhow so it's a combination of both.
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