Onward and Upward

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I went to Throckmorton (gotta love that name) Airshow yesterday chasing a Vulcan... I was in desperate need to capture this bird in the air before it's final flying season ends. Anyway, I think I (accidentally) found the equivalent of Duxford's 'naughty field' and was treated to this. Actually, I was late getting there and the whole show was a sell out!

Onward and Upward by Barry Cant, on Flickr
What's not to like......great sky, great colour and light and a modern bi-plane to boot plus prop blur :) only minor crit maybe too tight in the frame, just a tad more space at the top for it to fly into???
What's not to like......great sky, great colour and light and a modern bi-plane to boot plus prop blur :) only minor crit maybe too tight in the frame, just a tad more space at the top for it to fly into???

True.... it's a fair crop so there's room to achieve that. Probably also explains why Flickr auto tagged it as "outdoor flower" :)
The show was advance tickets only anyway I think. Sounds like they had a hard time with traffic.

Lovely shot with great colour, nice one :)
The show was advance tickets only anyway I think. Sounds like they had a hard time with traffic.

Lovely shot with great colour, nice one :)

Yea, traffic was interesting.... all of a sudden the 'Live' data on my TomTom SatNav said, "52 minutes delay on your route" :(

Great photo, love it :)


Excellent, really like the crop, colours, the lot to be honest. Hope you got your Vulcan.

Cheers, it pleased me too.... and yes, I have a Vulcan, or two, (been away so not completed 'the cull' )