Critique oop close wild

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Just out for a walk with the misses.
Trying different settings to see what comes out best.
All on f14 on or about 1/200
Thanks for looking and any C&C welcome
#1 Jimny cricket, what a corker this is.
View attachment 13251
#2, Not a clue but jeez was this beetle fast.
View attachment 13252
#3 Really nice soft golden colour to this beetle
View attachment 13253
Hi graham
No 1 is excellent really sharp and everything in focus
Only thing that I would try next time is try a lower angle, I always try to get down to their eye level, it's not always possible though

I'm not sure what has happened in no 2 it's bum is in focus but not it's head but it's looks like you was parallel so the head should be in focus?

Really like no 3 good composition but head not in focus
Sorry if I come across as critical as they are all very good :)
Great captures Graham. It's #1 for me ! Beautifull !! :)
None of these has the eye/head properly in focus, which is what you really need to nail in this type of Macro photography. You have also clipped off the tips of the antennae in No 1.

Otherwise, the exposure and composition don't look too bad.
None of these has the eye/head properly in focus, which is what you really need to nail in this type of Macro photography. You have also clipped off the tips of the antennae in No 1.

Otherwise, the exposure and composition don't look too bad.

Thanks Brash, yeah i know that i clipped the top on the antennae.
If i could afford a decent macro lens like you then maybe i would get it all in focus but i`ll have to do with me ol Raynox 250 and keep on trying. :banghead:
Thanks for the feedback tho. (y)
Thanks Brash, yeah i know that i clipped the top on the antennae.
If i could afford a decent macro lens like you then maybe i would get it all in focus but i`ll have to do with me ol Raynox 250 and keep on trying. :banghead:
Thanks for the feedback tho. (y)

Yeh, keep trying. The Raynox ain't an easy bit of kit to use (neither is the MPE-65, probably harder actually, that extremely rich, flash gits like me have:);)). As you'll be aware we're talking minute distances which'll knock things out of focus. It a cool when it comes together tho. I think every Macro photographer has a pretty high discard ratio compared to the volume of keepers.
See a wee tip right. If you clip the antennae like that, just clone out a little bit of the ends that are in the frame and it looks like you've got the whole subject in shot.
You're doing a damn sight better than I am MrG, good going!
Regardless of the clipped antenna it's still my fav image :D

Sent from The Moon.....
See a wee tip right. If you clip the antennae like that, just clone out a little bit of the ends that are in the frame and it looks like you've got the whole subject in shot.

Sneaky but oh so clever ;)

Sent from The Moon.....
You're doing a damn sight better than I am MrG, good going!
Regardless of the clipped antenna it's still my fav image :D

Sent from The Moon.....

You're rubbish tho and stop changing yer bloomin' Avatar. I know this most recent one is dedicated to me tho;)
Ooops. Double Post. Numpty:rolleyes:
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Hi graham
No 1 is excellent really sharp and everything in focus
Only thing that I would try next time is try a lower angle, I always try to get down to their eye level, it's not always possible though

I'm not sure what has happened in no 2 it's bum is in focus but not it's head but it's looks like you was parallel so the head should be in focus?

Really like no 3 good composition but head not in focus
Sorry if I come across as critical as they are all very good :)

Thanks pete,
No offence as its crit.
As said, still trying with this blooming raynox, me thinks im getting a lil better, 3 pics in 40 usable isnt that bad, is it ?
I agree, dont have a clue about what happened with No2 but its better than others i took.
Maybe its my eyes not in focus ;)
You're rubbish tho and stop changing yer bloomin' Avatar. I know this most recent one is dedicated to me tho;)

Of course it is I loves ya :D

And yes totally rubbish I know that only to well :p :p

Sent from The Moon.....
See a wee tip right. If you clip the antennae like that, just clone out a little bit of the ends that are in the frame and it looks like you've got the whole subject in shot.

you mean cheat like you do....:whistle::p
you mean cheat like you do....:whistle::p

I tend to get my all of subjects in frame so I don't have to cheat;). Just a pointer to you lesser mortals who evidently struggle with this particular discipline. Just a suggestion like:)
stop changing yer bloomin' Avatar. I know this most recent one is dedicated to me tho;)

Perhaps, but THE Moon is a hell of a long way to go for a date! :D:D
You are tho...on THE MOON :p

unless W&G visit you regularly :D

She's bloody well wired to the moon, I know that.:p
^^^^:ROFLMAO: ^^^^

Why is it when @Cg_Girl enters a thread, it always goes off topic :thinking::D
Sorry Graham!

She's a damn disruptive influence. I blame the hormones;)
Haha! It does and I have no idea why or how.. Maybe I should go back and sit in the corner quietly!.

Sod that!! :p :D

Sent from The Moon.....
I didn't know blokes had hormones. I thought it was strictly a wimmins thing.
oh for crying out loud don't start analysing womens hormones.........................:exit:
oh for crying out loud don't start analysing womens hormones.........................:exit:

PMSL!... wise words, they are a mystery to us females let alone you guys

edit, i missed your on the moon comment lol... who or what is W&G? :thinking:

Sent from The Moon.....
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PMSL!... wise words, they are a mystery to us females let alone you guys

Sent from The Moon.....

OMG it's now official ....Women don't understand themselves !!!!!:D
Oh Olive, that's so sad... Lol
Fill ya boots dear:banana:

Oh good grief ....which one is you???:D

I can't believe I just wasted 10 mins of my ( what has suddenly become) very sad life to watch that.

The song " button moon" is gunna haunt me in my sleep ...I can hear it ringing in my ears already!:runaway::D