Oulton BSB - Late again

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Had the pleasure of being at Oulton for the BSB, biggest crowd I've seen there on Monday.
All taken from the speccy side

1. Bank holiday weekend in the Uk - meant we had to have some rain


2. BSB must mean a mad Aussie...

3. or Two


4. A flying Scotsman


5. And a sort of a pretty shape


6. Didn't see a Lancaster flyover this year, but we had a Bomber


More to come
Superb bud,would not of got close to those myself and think they are the best i have seen from any of us on TP that shoot bikes.

Am also shocked that you have not been approached by someone yet to become accredited media fella and i have now dropped your name to my boss several times.

Stunning set all round bud and look forward to your shots from WSB.
Cracking set, great variety and top quality. Love the angle in #4 and the detail in #10 is superb. (y)
Top notch mate :clap::clap:, love the josh shot hopefully catch you at wsb :)
Super shots there number 4 is the best for me
Good set and nice variety. what do you think of the druid exit changes ?
Superb bud,would not of got close to those myself and think they are the best i have seen from any of us on TP that shoot bikes.

Am also shocked that you have not been approached by someone yet to become accredited media fella and i have now dropped your name to my boss several times.

Stunning set all round bud and look forward to your shots from WSB.

Cheers Mate, means a lot coming from someone as good as you. But going to disagree about you not getting stuff as good as these, Im still not in your class.
Thanks for the plug with the boss, you about soon?

Cracking set, great variety and top quality. Love the angle in #4 and the detail in #10 is superb. (y)

Thanks Neil

A quality set of images, very nice.

Cheers Denis

:clap::clap:tremendous shots those, cracking:clap::clap:

Thanks David

Top quality Graham. Really like no 4.

Thanks Gary, you didn't make it to Oulton?

Top notch mate :clap::clap:, love the josh shot hopefully catch you at wsb :)

Cheers bud, you was missed. Hopefully see you at Donnie:wave:

Super shots there number 4 is the best for me

Thanks Michael

Good set and nice variety. what do you think of the druid exit changes ?

Cheers Ray, I won't go as far as saying they ruined it, but its close. You still can get shots, they are more side on. Just to love shooting from the bridge end to get them more head on, no goer now Im afraid :(
You really give me something to aspire to, absolutely outstanding

Can you post some bad ones now and again so I don't swap all my gear for a cake baking set
Lovely stuff, Graham, very hard to choose but 1, 4 and 10 keep catching my eye.
Good shots Graham. No 9 my fav.

See You managed to get to deers leap before sponsors boards put up.
You really give me something to aspire to, absolutely outstanding

Can you post some bad ones now and again so I don't swap all my gear for a cake baking set

Thanks Darren, don't worry there are plenty of crap ones. You ought to see the amount in the recycle bin:D

Incredible set of images. Love the close up ones!

Thanks Nick, I do love a close up myself

Brilliant set!

By the way marshals are not allowed sit down while there are cars/bikes on track. lol.

Thanks Beav, I didn't know that. All the marshall seem to sit down at Brittens

Hi Graham No I didn't make it in the end.

There is always the August meeting, its a lovely track.

Lovely stuff, Graham, very hard to choose but 1, 4 and 10 keep catching my eye.

Cheers Mike, looking forward to Knockhill

Superb Graham (y)

Cheers Gaz

Good shots Graham. No 9 my fav.

See You managed to get to deers leap before sponsors boards put up.

Thanks Mick
What takes you so long to post Graham is it thinking about the captions .
#2#4 for me.(y):clap:
Hey Graham!

I enjoyed this round.... on the telly :) What a huge crowd!

#4 for me from these... although it is slightly over cooked on the shadow recovery - I know MCN print them like that but personally I back it down a bit.
Trying to go for two days but may be only one.

Hopefully see u there then Steve

Hey Graham!

I enjoyed this round.... on the telly :) What a huge crowd!

#4 for me from these... although it is slightly over cooked on the shadow recovery - I know MCN print them like that but personally I back it down a bit.

Biggest crowd I've seen there Andy.

I do get carried away with shadow slider:(