Oulton MG cars - Racing shots only

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Ok a race meeting is all about racing, racing involves more than one competitor SO I have restricted myself to shots showing racing only and with more than one car in shot.
Any comments or crit gratefully received

1 The days racing started off really wet although most of the qualifying was done in the dry.

2 the second race before lunch had very changeable weather but no dry spell long enough to dry out the racing line.

3 The metros were first on after lunch and the track was still streaming wet but the racing was still close and enthusiastic

4 Eventually the rain stopped and the track dried out quickly giving the B V8s chance to use their power

5 This pair of modified MGs spent the whole race swapping places. I love the faces on them , It looks like the cheeky one behind has pinched the rear of the red one !

6 and the close racing went on throughout the grid

Thanks for looking
C&C welcome
um from the thread title I take it you got some crash shots ? Good set. Pics 1 and 4 for me.

No Ray no crash shots, I got some really nice single car shots and panning shots but I thought I would just make things a little more difficult
I rather like these - good racing shots as you say. All to easy to nail a single car on a corner. Of these I particularly like 1 & 4 (y)

Watched British GT at Oulton earlier, what a circuit, looking for to visiting in under 4 weeks now :)